WBJEE Exam 2025 – Application Form, Important Date, Exam Pattern, Syllabus

WBJEE Exam – West Bengal Joint Entrance Examinations Board (WBJEEB) Common Entrance Examination for admission to Undergraduate Courses in Engineering & Technology, Pharmacy and Architecture in Universities, Govt. Colleges and Self-Financing Institutes in the State. WBJEE Exam – Application Form, Important Date, Exam Pattern, Syllabus, and Cutoffs, and other information from the below post.

WBJEE Exam Highlights

Name of examinationWest Bengal Joint Entrance Exam
Conducting BodyWest Bengal Joint Entrance Examination Board (WBJEEB)
Examination levelState Level
Minimum eligibility for WBJEE ExamPassed 10+2 examination with at least 45% aggregate in respective subjects
Age limitMinimum 17 years
Courses offered through WBJEE ExamUG Admission to Engineering & Pharmacy
WBJEE Exam DateTo be notified
Online registration dateTo be notified
Application modeOnline
Application feeRs 500/-
WBJEE Exam Duration4 hours
Number of papersPaper-I (Mathematics) Paper-II (Physics & Chemistry)
Mode of examinationOffline mode (OMR based examination)

WBJEE Exam Dates

WBJEE Exam application dateTo be notified
Last date to fill and submit the Application formTo be notified
WBJEE Application form correction datesTo be notified
WBJEE Exam Admit Card DateTo be notified
WBJEE Exam Date To be notified
Release of Preliminary Answer Key of WBJEE dateTo be notified
Last date to challenge Answer KeyTo be notified
WBJEE Exam Final Answer KeyTo be notified
WBJEE Exam Result DateTo be notified

WBJEE Application Form

WBJEE Exam application for the examination must be done online only, No printed application form is available.

  • WBJEE Exam application for the examination is online on WBJEE official website
  • Candidates must have a mobile number and a unique email ID
  • Candidates must be very careful while entering personal details, Once the registration details like your name, father’s name, mother’s name, gender, domicile, and date of birth are entered and submitted, this information cannot be changed or edited under any circumstances.
  • Candidates have to apply only once, do not apply more the once. Otherwise, you application will be rejected
  • Candidates have to upload a scanned copy of their photograph and signature
  • Candidates shouldn’t share their application number, password, or security question with anyone
  • The examination fees can be paid by Net Banking/ Debit Card/ Credit Card only

WBJEE Application Fee

General candidatesRs 500/-
SC/ST/OBC-A/OBC-B candidatesRs 400/-

WBJEE Eligibility Criteria

  • Candidate must be a citizen of India
  • Candidates must have passed 10 + 2 to appear WBJEE
  • Candidates applying for admission must not be less than 17 years old. In case of admission into the Marine Engineering programme, the age of the candidate must be between 17 to 25 years
  • Candidates appearing in the last year of their qualifying exam will also be eligible to apply

WBJEE Eligibility Criteria for Engineering

  • Candidate must have passed the Qualifying Examination i.e., the 10+2 examination with Physics and Mathematics along with any one of Chemistry / Biotechnology / Biology / Computer Science / Computer Application/Technical Vocational Subject as compulsory subjects with individual pass marks (in both theory and practical wherever applicable) in all the three subjects as stated above in regular class mode
  • Candidate must obtained at least 45% marks (40% in case of candidates belonging to reserved category SC, ST, OBC-A, OBC-B, PwD) in the above three subjects taken together
  • Candidate must passed English in the ‘10+2’ examination with at least 30% marks
  • Candidate must be recognized by the Central Government or State Government concerned.

WBJEE Eligibility Criteria for Pharmacy

  • Candidate must have passed 10+2 examination with Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics or Biology as compulsory subjects with individual pass marks (in both theory and practical wherever applicable) in all the three subjects as stated above in regular class mode.
  • Candidate must obtained at least 45% marks (40% in case of candidates belonging to reserved category SC, ST, OBC-A, OBC-B, PwD) in the above three subjects taken together.
  • Must have passed English in the 10+2 examination with at least 30% marks
  • Candidate must be recognized by the Central Government or State Government concerned.

WBJEE Mode of Exam

WBJEE is an Offline exam (OMR-based examination)

WBJEE Subjects of Examination

Candidates are required to appear for two papers in WBJEE

  1. Paper 1 – Mathematics
  2. Paper 2 – Physics & Chemistry (combined).

WBJEE Pattern of Question Papers

All questions will be Multiple-Choice Questions (MCQ) based with four options against each of the questions. There will be three categories of questions for each of the subjects.

Full Marks-1
(No. of Questions)
Full Marks-2
(No. of Questions)
Full Marks-2
(No. of Questions)
Total Number of QuestionsTotal Marks

WBJEE Mode of Answering

Section-wise Scoring methodology
Ia)  Only one option is correct.
b)  Correct response will yield 1 (one) mark.
 c)  Incorrect response will yield   -1/4   (25% negative) marks.
d) For any combination of responses with more than one option, the said answer will be treated as incorrect and will yield -1/4 (25% negative) marks.
e)  Not attempting the question will fetch zero marks.
IIa)  Only one option is correct.
b)  Correct response will yield 2 (two) marks.
c)  Incorrect response will yield   -1/2   (25% negative) marks.
d) For any combination of response with more than one option, the said answer will be treated as incorrect and will yield -1/2 (25% negative) marks.
e)  Not attempting the question will fetch zero marks.
IIIa)  One or more options may be correct.
b)  Only all Correct response will yield 2 (two) marks.
c)  Any combination of correct and wrong response will be treated as incorrect and will yield 0 (zero) marks.
d)  For partially correct response, marks awarded will be =  2  x  (no. of correct options marked total no.  of correct options).
e)  Not attempting the question will fetch zero marks.

WBJEE Merit List

WBJEEB Exam will prepare merit ranks based on the candidates’ scores on the entrance test. Individual candidates will be able to view and download his/her Rank Card, which will contain their score and rank.

  • General Merit Rank (GMR) shall be prepared based on the total score obtained in Paper-I and Paper-II taken together
  • Ranking shall be done in descending order of total marks scored in all the subjects. In case of ties, tie-breaking rules will be applicable
  • Separate reserved category merit positions will also be indicated for the respective categories of students (SC Rank, ST Rank, OBC-A Rank, OBC-B Rank, PwD Rank, TFW Rank)

WBJEE Admit Card

  • Candidate must download and carry a printed hard copy of the admit card to the examination center
  • Candidates must be keep their admit cards safely, any candidates with such mutilated/ distorted/ soiled admit cards will not be allowed to appear in the examination

WBJEE Examination Centre

WBJEE Allocation of the examination center will be based on the choices given by the candidate during the online application.

  • Candidates from West Bengal, Assam, and Tripura must select any three zones in order of preference
  • Candidates from other states must select any three zones from the following
Districts of West Bengal Zone
KolkataSalt Lake/New Town
(Salt Lake/Lake Town/New Town/Rajar Hat)
KolkataSouth Kolkata (Ballygaunge/Minto
KolkataWest Kolkata (Joka/Behala/Alipore/Chetla/Khidirpore/Budge Budge)
Paschim BurdwanAsansol
Paschim BurdwanDurgapur

WBJEE College Predictor & Cutoff

WBJEE Exam College Predictor & Cutoff tool help you predict engineering colleges based on your rank in WBJEE exam. The prediction is made on WBJEE cutoff data available from from official sources. This information is available for free and without any registration.

The tool will give you a WBJEE rank-wise college list, and a provision to select the city (such as Kolkata) is also available. You can sort colleges based on opening rank (OR), Closing Rank (CR) city, or subject of your choice.


A separate notification of counseling/seat allotment will be published online on the official website soon after the announcement of the results. Candidates who qualify successfully will be invited for e-counseling.

For all other notifications and new updates keep visiting InI All About Education Subscribe, like us on Facebook, and don’t forget to download our app iStudy

Do share with friends and in case of questions please feel free to drop a comment.

Wish you All Good Luck !!


Can other state candidates apply for WBJEE?

Yes, candidates are required to be of Indian nationality. Other state candidates can apply for Wbjee

Wbjee will be held online?

WBJEE is an offline mode exam, Wbjee registration and the time of counseling course-wise & institute-wise seats have been released online.

What are the subjects in WBJEE syllabus?

WBJEE syllabus has three subjects that are Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry

What is the cutoff for Jadavpur University?

For all WBJEE cutoffs, you can visit InI WBJEE College Predictor & Cutoff

Is the WBJEE Syllabus change every year?

No, the syllabus will not be changed frequently, The syllabus contains topics from class 11th and class 12th.

When will the registration form of wbjee released?

WBJEE 2024 registration form will be released in the m, Due to COVID the situation keeps on fluctuating there are changes in the registration date too. Candidates must check and official website and do visit here.

Are class 12th students eligible for WBJEE?

candidates must have passed Class 12th with a minimum of 45% marks or equivalent qualification examination. However, a student appearing for the Class 12th examination can also appear for WJEE.

What is the age limit for wbjee exam?

Candidates must be 17th years old before 12th Dec to apply for WBJEE exam

Which is the best college under WBJEE?

Govt colleges are best for WBJEE Exam
1. Jadavpur University, University of Calcutta
2. Kalyani Government Engineering College
3. Institute of Engineering and Management

How many times a student can give WBJEE exam?

As many times you want to attempt WBJEE exam, no limit to candidates. You just have to be 17 years of age on 31st Dec.

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