1. https://research.iitm.ac.in/

        Steps involved
        1. First create a Login
        2. Then an email will be sent to your mail id ( Have patience it may take some time ) after that you can set the password from the link sent to your mail id.
        3. After that log in and fill the details and submit the form.
        4. Fees of Rs.200 for one application (Max of three applications accepted from one student)

        Now coming to my problem:
        I have completed my profile i.e, filled all info asked

        In the field named
        “Qualifying Exam” I have filled the following details
        Exam Name : Gate
        Exam Year: 2013
        Reg No : 11072823
        Score : 768 (Here I have a doubt which one of the gate scores should be entered)

        then when I am submitting the form
        it says Your Gate detail is incorrect

        Please let me know if anyone else is facing the same problem.

      1. I would like to know if any one has any idea about the written test pattern for MS program or any information that can help.. It would be of great help if any1 can post it.

      1. Ashish

        @ sharan do u know if iid madras has any ms programme for electrical stream?

      1. Yes It does have check the link for filling:
        https://research.iitm.ac.in and read the brochure available on link.

      1. Ashish

        THANX 🙂

      1. Snigdha

        @sharanaprasad I am facing the same problem.. Did you find any solution to it??

      1. Vivek

        I am from Instrumentation Branch, I belongs to GEN category I have AIR 384 and SCORE 520, I am interested in pursuing Mtech in Biotechnology, Biomedical or bioinformetics department. is there any hope to get these departments in any IITS? can any one guide me whether scope of these departments is good or not ?? I am applying for Mtech in clinical engineering in IIT M. would it be a good choice ?

      1. Hi @snigdha I found out that the OLD formula gate score should be entered and the registration number should be only numbers. then it works fine

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