1. my gate expected score is almost 35 which is not enough to get into iit so I have decided to seat again for the next year,and I am joining a IT company .But I have got 2 software jobs in campus interview.But my TPO(placement officer) forces me to choose the second job which has same salary as the first one but with rs 3 lakhs bond,but the first job is bondless.He told me that he wont give me the joining letter of the first one.my question is that “does a tpo has a right to select my job???” please help me out

      1. I Dont think TPO have any rights on that.Its company that decides about the offer not the TPO. TPO just facilitate the process of recruitment at campus not give offers.

      1. Gate Cse

        Master Sourav, Your TPO is a CORRUPT PERSON, he took bribes from that company that’s why he asked u to join a company wid 3 lakhs bond bcoz he will get more than 50,000 from this amount.
        Don’t join their, they will cheat you, i know many such cases happened in colleges under WBUT,so give your tpo a BASH OR take some legal action. But DON’T JOIN THEIR,THIS IS MORE IMPORTANT,U WILL NOT GET UR MONEY BACK.

        post further i can help you. thanks.

      1. Lorin Ahmed

        I hate TnP departments. Most of them have persons like this.

      1. sir actually due to some silly mistakes i dnt think that i l b able to qualify gate dis time instead of having good prepration ..n at dis poiny m mt able to get what to do..should i do job dis year or get an admission in some private institute n also i wana earn smwt..pls help m out..

      1. Rajan Singh

        i am

      1. Let me share my experience here.
        I am 2009 passout..my dream was to get my Masters Degree from US. So i didnt even appear for Gate 2010 and 2011. This year i appeared for GATE. I am getting around 29 marks (Gate Forum answer Key). Currently i work in s/w industry. And its very hard to study technical subjects while working. So for those who are trying to get into IIT’s and only IIT’s, take time and study hard for next year. That would be my suggestion.

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