1. well a good platform for sharing doubts and there solution instrumentation student share your prep and strategy for instrumentation we’ll try to solve doubt altogether ……

      1. SURE ! 🙂

      1. important blog for instrumentation student …..

        here you can find branchs open for M.tec instrumentation ….

      1. so make your target and ….LIKE “ARJUN” GO for it ….all the best

      1. I am aiming for microelectronics in IIT madras …cos i am a very big fan of PROF. S. SHRINIVASAN …here you can enjoy his lecture


      1. Am Jagadeesh from Instrumenation engineering…can anyone pls tell me about weightage of marks in each subject for this year’s gate

      1. hello jagadeesh,
        here’s a rough estimation based on previous year papers,
        basics of circuits and measurement- 4-5M
        transducer,mech mmt,industrial instru + A.O.B. = 22-24M
        analog electronics- 5-6M
        digital electronics n microprocessors- 7-8M
        signals and comm- 10-12M
        electrical and electronic mmt- 8-10M
        controls and process control- 11-13M

        maths and aptitude- 15+15=30, here everything is important !
        ALL THE BEST

      1. Anand Kumar

        hi,this is anand(instrumentation).nice place to share all gate related views. any bdy knows last yr cut off for iocl intrvw.

      1. guys ny suggestion wch books to ref for gate??

      1. if any one want ace academy hyd online test id and password for instrumentation ……contact me as i am unable to give gate this year …
        [email protected]

      1. Samrat Sahai

        what are the chances of getting mtech at nsit in process control with gate 2012 score of 444 in IN??? plz suggest some nits too…..

      1. Samrat Sahai

        sorry …AIR 871 and OBC category

      1. Nikhil

        if i want to do instrumentation engineering from manipal will it be worth it?

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