1. Anirudh

        Hi Zahid,
        I hav got AIR 576 in EC, GATE score 669 and an year of work experience at huawei (telecom). What are the chances i get into IITD telecom management by bharti school either M Tech or MS.
        Also i have applied for MS in Computer networks at IIT M and IIT Delhi. what chances do i stand for this. With what topics should i be ready for the interviews (Note: I hav cleared GATE In ECE).
        Would be really helpful if i can get some inputs on these.
        Thank you,

      1. Zahid

        I would be very difficult to get into M.Tech. On the same time there will be a lot more probability of getting into MS in IITD.

        MS admissions are mostly given based on GATE score as well as interview. The plus is you have a year experience too.

      1. Vivek

        hello sir my AIR is 384 in IN, Gen cat, what are my chances of same college ?

      1. Anirudh

        Zahid.. Thank u very much for the info..
        Can i get few inputs regarding my chances for MS in Computer networks at IIT M

      1. Aumkarnath

        i have got admission offer letter in iitd for interdisciplinary branch of telecom technology and management of bharati school.is it necessery to attend the interview in iitroorkee for core branch or iitd bharati school will be a better choice?

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