1. Gate Cse

        How to get TARGET question paper and solution?

        you can see all question with explanation on this link………………
        but for this you have need student roll and test id
        student roll —— 23125061/59/62 just change last two digit or three digit and try
        you will get result belong to that roll number and ther u will get question with full explanation in video and html page format also…..
        test id : 2231 for CS
        all the best

      1. Thanx a ton

      1. Nayaan Dixit

        really a big thanks for this post…….i really need this one .

      1. Gate Cse

        welcome pals 😀

      1. Nayaan Dixit

        @ gate cse can you please arrange some test-paper of made-easy institute….

      1. Lorin Ahmed

        Some(very few) solutions in the videos of Gate forum are actually wrong…so follow your brain when you sense something wrong.
        And yes, it would be great if we get Made easy test papers as well.

      1. Gate Cse

        sorry i am,Made easy not itself easy to available, but u can go through it


      1. MadeEasy is providing explanations of test series on their website ,but no questions are there .. anybody plz arrange question paper if possible.
        I am also trying to arrange….

      1. Nayaan Dixit

        if anybody hv test-series of made-easy ,,,than plz help others also..

      1. suggest books and authors name for cs ?

      1. Gate Cse

        check here for books


      1. tell steve

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