1. I want to do PhD but I am confused to choose a topic. Do we have to decide a specific topic by ourself or we just have to decide a field like cloud computing or digital image processing ? please do reply fast. Thank you very much…

      1. Zahid

        I want to do PhD but I am confused to choose a topic. Do we have to decide a specific topic by ourselves or we just have to decide a field like cloud computing or digital image processing ? please do reply fast. Thank you very much…

        Thanks for asking an important question, I will be writing a complete post on the topic in coming days. But for general idea

        1. One need to choose a topic that they understand well.
        2. You can choose a broad area then go deep into it.
        3. Take help from guide in narrow down research topic.

      1. Quick IPR Guide

        Choosing a research topic is a time-consuming process. It usually takes around 6 months to 1 year to finalize a research problem for a new research scholar. If you follow certain guidelines then it can be a less time consuming and smooth process. This post will guide you from scratch with some standard guidelines to be followed in order to choose a research topic.

        Study the research area of your interest field: In order to choose the research topic, it is required to, first of all, choose a research area. You should have an interest in that research area. It would be easy to decide the research problem statement from the research area of interest.

        Choose something that you can easily read and understand: If you select a research area of interest, then you yourself would like to read it, explore it, and will be able to understand it. And once you’ll be able to understand the literature, then it will become easy to choose the research topic.

        For more visit: https://www.gofastresearch.com/2020/05/how-to-choose-research-topic-how-to.html

      1. Evgenii Evgenii

        Selecting the perfect research topic for a doctoral dissertation is akin to finding a compass for academic exploration. It is the crucial first step that sets the tone for a rewarding intellectual journey. The right topic not only fuels curiosity but also opens doors to meaningful contributions in one’s field. In this pivotal decision lies the opportunity to make a lasting impact, and with thoughtful consideration, each researcher charts a course towards knowledge creation and innovation. Cheers to the exciting odyssey of choosing a research topic, a key to unlocking the vast potential of scholarly discovery

      1. Egor kozachok

        Hello InspireNignite community, As we navigate the challenging terrain of choosing the perfect research topic for a PhD, I stumbled upon a valuable resource that I believe can shed light on our journey. Check out these inspiring images related to the metaphorical “light bulb” moments that accompany a groundbreaking research idea: Depositphotos – light bulb images. Exploring visual representations of concepts can be a powerful brainstorming tool. Let’s leverage the creativity sparked by these images to enhance our discussions on selecting the right research topic. Feel free to share your thoughts and insights. Together, let’s brighten our paths toward meaningful research endeavors.

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