Reaction Engineering and Process Control Laboratory detail syllabus for Petrochemical Engineering (Petrochem Engg), 2017 regulation is taken from Anna University official website and presented for students of Anna University. The details of the course are: course code (PM8761), Category (PC), Contact Periods/week (4), Teaching hours/week (0), Practical Hours/week (0). The total course credits are 4.
For all other petrochem engg 7th sem syllabus for 2017 regulation anna univ you can visit Petrochem Engg 7th Sem syllabus for B.Tech 2017 regulation Anna Univ Subjects. The detail syllabus for reaction engineering and process control laboratory is as follows.”
Reaction Engineering: Objective:
- Students develop a sound working knowledge on different types of reactors.
List of Experiments:
- Kinetic studies in a Batch reactor
- Kinetic studies in a Plug flow reactor
- Kinetic studies in a CSTR
- Kinetic studies in a Packed bed reactor
- Kinetic studies in a PFR followed by a CSTR
- RTD studies in a PFR
- RTD studies in a Packed bed reactor
- RTD studies in a CSTR
- Studies on micellar catalysis
- Study of temperature dependence of rate constant using CSTR.
- Kinetic studies in Sono chemical reactor
- Batch reactive distillation
- Kinetics of photochemical reaction
- Demonstration of heterogeneous catalytic reaction
- Demonstration of gas-liquid reaction
Equipment Required:
- Plug flow reactor
- Sono-chemical reactor
- Photochemical reactor
- Packed bed reactor
*Minimum 5 Experiments Shall be Offered.
Course Outcome:
- Understand rate equation for different types of reactors.
- Design experiments in kinetics to determine conversion and effect of temperature on rate constant.
- Assess the performance of Plug flow Mixed flow and Packed bed by studying the residence time distribution.
Process Control: Objective:
- Students will gain the hands on training about the control systems
List of Experiments:
- Open loop study on a level system
- Open loop study on a flow system
- Open loop study on a thermal system
- Closed loop study on a level system
- Closed loop study on a flow system
- Closed loop study on a thermal system
- Response of first order system
- Response of second order system
- Response of Non-Interacting level System
- Response of Interacting level System
- Tuning of a level system
- Tuning of a flow system
- Tuning of a thermal system
- Flow co-efficient of control valves
- Characteristics of different types of control valves
Minimum 5 Experiments Shall be Offered.
Course Outcome:
- Understand the prerequisites of control strategies and design different process control systems
- Evaluate the suitable controllers for different chemical and Petrochemical process.
- Analyse and tune the control systems unto stability
For detail syllabus of all other subjects of B.Tech Petrochem Engg, 2017 regulation do visit Petrochem Engg 7th Sem syllabus for 2017 Regulation.
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