Environmental Science and Engineering detail syllabus for Petrochemical Engineering (Petrochem Engg), 2017 regulation is taken from Anna University official website and presented for students of Anna University. The details of the course are: course code (GE8291), Category (HS), Contact Periods/week (3), Teaching hours/week (3), Practical Hours/week (0). The total course credits are given in combined syllabus.
For all other petrochem engg 7th sem syllabus for b.tech 2017 regulation anna univ you can visit Petrochem Engg 7th Sem syllabus for B.Tech 2017 regulation Anna Univ Subjects. The detail syllabus for environmental science and engineering is as follows.”
Course Objective:
- To study the nature and facts about environment.
- To finding and implementing scientific, technological, economic and political solutions to environmental problems.
- To study the interrelationship between living organism and environment.
- To appreciate the importance of environment by assessing its impact on the human world; envision the surrounding environment, its functions and its value.
- To study the dynamic processes and understand the features of the earth”s interior and surface.
- To study the integrated themes and biodiversity, natural resources, pollution control and waste management.
Unit I
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Unit II
Environmental Pollution
Definition – causes, effects and control measures of: (a) Air pollution (b) Water pollution (c) Soil pollution (d) Marine pollution (e) Noise pollution (f) Thermal pollution (g) Nuclear hazards – solid waste management: causes, effects and control measures of municipal solid wastes – role of an individual in prevention of pollution – pollution case studies – disaster management: floods, earthquake, cyclone and landslides. Field study of local polluted site – Urban / Rural / Industrial / Agricultural.
Unit III
Natural Resources
Forest resources: Use and over-exploitation, deforestation, case studies- timber extraction, mining, dams and their effects on forests and tribal people – Water resources: Use and over- utilization of surface and ground water, floods, drought, conflicts over water, dams-benefits and problems – Mineral resources: Use and exploitation, environmental effects of extracting and using mineral resources, case studies – Food resources: World food problems, changes caused by agriculture and overgrazing, effects of modern agriculture, fertilizer-pesticide problems, water logging, salinity, case studies – Energy resources: Growing energy needs, renewable and non renewable energy sources, use of alternate energy sources. case studies – Land resources: Land as a resource, land degradation, man induced landslides, soil erosion and desertification – role of an individual in conservation of natural resources – Equitable use of resources for sustainable lifestyles. Field study of local area to document environmental assets – river / forest / grassland / hill / mountain.
Unit IV
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Unit V
Human Population and the Environment
Population growth, variation among nations – population explosion – family welfare programme -environment and human health – human rights – value education – HIV / AIDS – women and child welfare – role of information technology in environment and human health – Case studies.
Course Outcome:
- Environmental Pollution or problems cannot be solved by mere laws. Public participation is an important aspect which serves the environmental Protection. One will obtain knowledge on the following after completing the course.
- Public awareness of environmental is at infant stage.
- Ignorance and incomplete knowledge has lead to misconceptions
- Development and improvement in std. of living has lead to serious environmental disasters
Text Books:
- Benny Joseph, Environmental Science and Engineering, Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi, 2006.
- Gilbert M.Masters, Introduction to Environmental Engineering and Science, 2nd edition, Pearson Education, 2004.
- Dharmendra S. Sengar, “Environmental law”, Prentice hall of India PVT LTD, New Delhi, 2007.
- Erach Bharucha, Textbook of Environmental Studies, Universities Press(I) PVT, LTD, Hydrabad, 2015.
- Rajagopalan, R, “Environmental Studies – From Crisis to Cure”, Oxford University Press, 2005.
- G. Tyler Miller and Scott E. Spoolman, Environmental Science, Cengage Learning India PVT, LTD, Delhi, 2014.
For detail syllabus of all other subjects of B.Tech Petrochem Engg, 2017 regulation do visit Petrochem Engg 7th Sem syllabus for 2017 Regulation.
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