PY3021: Management Information System syllabus for Pharma 2021 regulation (Professional Elective-IV)

Management Information System detailed syllabus for Pharmacy (Pharma) for 2021 regulation curriculum has been taken from the Anna Universities official website and presented for the Pharma students. For course code, course name, number of credits for a course and other scheme related information, do visit full semester subjects post given below.

For Pharmacy 6th Sem scheme and its subjects, do visit Pharma 6th Sem 2021 regulation scheme. For Professional Elective-IV scheme and its subjects refer to Pharma Professional Elective-IV syllabus scheme. The detailed syllabus of management information system is as follows.

Course Objectives:

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Unit I

Impact of IT on Individuals, Organisations and Society – Information Technology Developments and Trends– Role of IT in an Organisation – Information System Concept and Types – IT Infrastructure and Architecture- Emerging Computing Environments (SaaS, SOA, etc.).

Unit II

File Management- Database Management Systems- Creating Databases- Data WarehousingMarketing Databases – Webbased Data Management Systems- Big Data- Basic overview of Oracle/SQL – Network Computing.

Unit III

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Unit IV

Knowledge Management Systems Implementation – Real-time Business Intelligence and Competitive Intelligence –Business Analytics – Online Analytical Processing – Business Performance Management, Scorecards and Dashboards- Types of Decision Support Systems-Intelligent Support Systems – Automated Decision Support (ADS) – Expert Systems.

Unit V

Securing the enterprise; IS Vulnerabilities and Threats- Fraud and Computer Crimes- IT Security Management Practices-Network Security- Internal Control and Compliance ManagementBusiness Continuity and Disaster Recovery Planning- Implementing Security: Auditing and Risk Management- Computer Forensics.

Course Outcomes:

Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:

  1. Relate the basic concepts and technologies used in the field of management information systems;
  2. Compare the processes of developing and implementing information systems.
  3. Outline the role of the ethical, social, and security issues of information systems.
  4. Translate the role of information systems in organizations, the strategic management processes, with the implications for the management.
  5. Apply the understanding of how various information systems like DBMS work together to accomplish the information objectives of an organization.
  6. Describe the theoretical models used in database management systems to answer business question

Text Books:

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Reference Books:

  1. Alex Leon and Mathew Leon: “Data Base Management Systems”, Vikas Publishing House, New Delhi.
  2. Goyal, D.P.: “Management Information System”, MACMILLAN India Limited, New Delhi, 2008.
  3. James A. O’Brien et al.,(2013), Management Information System, McGraw Hill Education India.

For detailed syllabus of all the other subjects of Pharmacy 6th Sem, visit Pharma 6th Sem subject syllabuses for 2021 regulation.

For all Pharmacy results, visit Anna University Pharma all semester results direct link.

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