Pharmaceutical Production Management detailed syllabus for Pharmacy (Pharma) for 2021 regulation curriculum has been taken from the Anna Universities official website and presented for the Pharma students. For course code, course name, number of credits for a course and other scheme related information, do visit full semester subjects post given below.
For Pharmacy 6th Sem scheme and its subjects, do visit Pharma 6th Sem 2021 regulation scheme. For Professional Elective-IV scheme and its subjects refer to Pharma Professional Elective-IV syllabus scheme. The detailed syllabus of pharmaceutical production management is as follows.
Course Objectives:
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Unit I
Pharmaceutical Pilot plant � Pilot plant Design � Theories of similarities � General considerations of pilot plant scaleup � Case studies for tablets � Capsules � Liquid orals � Parenterals � Sustained release preparation � Semi-solid preparation.
Unit II
Plant site selection and layout � Plant Material handling for various pharmaceutical products � Functions � Selection � Maintenance � Types � Different categories of Pharmaceutical Plant maintenance � Replacement analysis � Group and individual replacement.
Unit III
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Unit IV
Materials � Quality and quantity � Value analysis � Purchasing � Centralized and decentralized � Vendor development � Buying techniques � Purchasing cycle and procedures � Stores management � Salvaging and disposal ofElective-Iplus � Selective inventory control � RQM and EOQ � Modern inventory management systems � Cost and savings in inventory � Evaluation of inventory performance.
Unit V
Human resource planning � Job analysis and design � Recruitment � Personnel selection � Orientation and placement � Training and development � Supervision � Performance appraisal � Remuneration and salaries � Compensation � Industrial relations � Motivation.
Course Outcomes:
The student will be able to
- illustrate the general considerations of pilot plant scaleup
- identify the various factors influencing for choosing a suitable location for pharmaceuticalplant and its construction
- analyse the different categories of Pharmaceutical Plant maintenance
- handle and execute various process of pharmaceutical product manufacturing and manage the materials and human resources.
- measure performance in inventory management
- apply the learned knowledge in the management of human resources
Text Books:
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Reference Books:
- Lachman, L. and Liberman, H.A., “The Theory and Practice of Industrial Pharmacy”, 3rd Edition, Varghese Publications, 1986.
- Evans, J., Sweeny, A. and Wiliams, H “Applied Production and Operations Management”, 3rd Edition, West Publishing Company Ltd., 1992.
- Drucker, P.F., “Management (Task, Responsibility and Practices)”, Allied Publication, 1993.
For detailed syllabus of all the other subjects of Pharmacy 6th Sem, visit Pharma 6th Sem subject syllabuses for 2021 regulation.
For all Pharmacy results, visit Anna University Pharma all semester results direct link.