Thermodynamics and Strength of Materials Laboratory detailed syllabus for Aeronautical Engineering (AERO) for 2021 regulation curriculum has been taken from the Anna University official website and presented for the AERO students. For course code, course name, number of credits for a course and other scheme related information, do visit full semester subjects post given below.
For Aeronautical Engineering 3rd Sem scheme and its subjects, do visit AERO 3rd Sem 2021 regulation scheme. The detailed syllabus of thermodynamics and strength of materials laboratory is as follows.
Strength of Materials
- To study the mechanical properties of materials when subjected to different types of loading.
- To study how to improve the material properties.
- To understand the nature of materials under microscopic Examination
List of Experiments
- Tension test on a mild steel rod
- Double shear test on Mild steel and Aluminum rods
- Torsion test on mild steel rod
- Impact test on metal specimen
- Hardness test on metals – Brinnell and Rockwell Hardness Number
- Deflection test on beams
- Compression test on helical springs
- Strain Measurement using Rosette strain gauge
- Effect of hardening- Improvement in hardness and impact resistance of steels.
- Tempering- Improvement Mechanical properties Comparison
- Unhardened specimen
- Quenched Specimen and
- Quenched and tempered specimen.
- Microscopic Examination of
- Hardened samples and
- Hardened and tempered samples
- Analyse the Hardness and Tensile strength of the given material
- Examine the deformation and torsion strength of the given material
- Analyse the compression and shear strength of given materials
List of Equipment for Batch of 30 Students
- Universal Tensile Testing machine with double 1 shear attachment – 1
- Torsion Testing Machine(60 NM Capacity) 1
- Impact Testing Machine (300J Capacity) 1
- Brinell Hardness Testing Machine 1
- Rockwell Hardness Testing Machine 1
- Spring Testing Machine for tensile and compressive loads (2500N) 1
- Metallurgical Microscopes 3
- Muffle Furnace(800C) 1
Thermodynamics Laboratory
- To study the engine types and its performance
- To understand the importance of heat transfer and its application.
- To understand the fuel properties.
List of Experiments
- Performance test on a 4-stroke engine
- Valve timing of a 4 – stroke engine and port timing of a 2 stroke engine
- Determination of effectiveness of a parallel flow heat exchanger
- Determination of effectiveness of a counter flow heat exchanger
- Determination of heating value of a fuel
- Determination of specific heat of solid
- Determination of thermal conductivity of solid.
- Determination of thermal resistance of a composite wall.
- COP test on a vapour compression refrigeration test rig
- COP test on a vapour compression air-conditioning test rig
- Perform test on diesel/petrol engine
- Determine the properties of the fuels.
- Analyze the heat transfer properties of solid and composite walls
List of Equipment for a Batch of 30 Students
SI.No Details of Equipments Qty Req. Experiment No.
- 4 stroke twin cylinder diesel engine 1 1
- Cut section model of 4 stroke diesel engine and cut section model of 2 stroke petrol engine 1 2
- Parallel and counter flow heat exchanger test rig 1 3,4
- Bomb Calorimeter 1 5
- Vapour compression refrigeration test rig 1 9
- Vapour compression air-conditioning test rig 1 10
- Conductive heat transfer set up 1 7
- Composite wall 1 8
For detailed syllabus of all other subjects of Aeronautical Engineering, 2021 regulation curriculum do visit AERO 3rd Sem subject syllabuses for 2021 regulation.
For all Aeronautical Engineering results, visit Anna University AERO all semester results direct link.