Structure and Properties of Textile Fibres detailed syllabus for Textile Technology (TT) for 2021 regulation curriculum has been taken from the Anna University official website and presented for the TT students. For course code, course name, number of credits for a course and other scheme related information, do visit full semester subjects post given below.
For Textile Technology 3rd Sem scheme and its subjects, do visit TT 3rd Sem 2021 regulation scheme. The detailed syllabus of structure and properties of textile fibres is as follows.
Course Objectives:
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Unit I
STRUCTURE OF FIBRES 9 Classification of fibres; study of morphological structures of fibers; physical properties of fibres; order and disorder in fibre structure; molecular conformations – planar zig-zag, helical, lamellar, and sperulite conformations
Unit II
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Unit III
MOISTURE ABSORPTION CHARACTERISTICS 9 Theories of moisture sorption; moisture absorption behaviour of natural and man-made fibres; influence of fibre structure, humidity and temperature on the moisture absorption; conditioning of fibres – mechanism of conditioning and factors influencing conditioning. Moisture diffusion in fibres; heat of sorption – integral and differential, their relation; factors influencing heat of sorption -measurement of heat of sorption
Unit IV
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Unit V
OPTICAL, FRICTIONAL AND THERMAL CHARACTERISTICS 9 Reflexion and lustre-objective and subjective methods of measurement – refractive index and its measurement – birefringence, factors influencing birefringence – absorption and dichroism friction -static, limiting and kinetic friction, its measurement, comparison of fibres, directional friction in wool – friction. thermal transitions of fibres – thermal conductivity, thermal expansion and contraction, Tg and Tm; static electricity in textile fibres
List of Experiments:
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List of Equipments:
- Microscope – 1 No.
- Weighing balance – 1 No.
- Conditioning Chamber – 1 No.
- Soxhlet appratus- 2 No.
Course Outcomes:
Upon completion of this course, the student shall be able to
- Explain the structure and properties of fibres
- Identify the method of investigation of structure of fibres
- Compare and understand moisture absorption behaviour of various fibres
- Demonstrate the tensile and elongation properties of fibres
- Interpret the optical, thermal and frictional characteristics of fibres
- Identify the fibres using, solubility, burning and microscopic test.
- Determine the linear density and moisture properties of fibres
Text Books:
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Reference Books:
- Meredith R., and Hearle J. W. S., Physical Methods of Investigation of Textiles, Wiley Publication, New York, 1989, ISBN: B00JCV6ZWU ISBN-13:
- MukhopadhyayS. K., Advances in Fibre Science, The Textile Institute,1992, ISBN: 1870812379
- MeredithR.,MechanicalPropertiesofTextileFibres,NorthHolland,Amsterdam,1986,ISBN: 1114790699, ISBN-13:9781114790698
- RaheelM. (ed.)., Modern Textile Characterization Methods, Marcel Dekker, 1995, ISBN:0824794737
- Mukhopadhyay. S. K., The Structure and Properties of Typical Melt Spun Fibres, Textile Progress, Vol. 18, No. 4, Textile Institute, 1989, ISBN:1870812115
- Hearle J.W.S., Polymers and Their Properties : Fundamentals of Structures and Mechanics Vol1,EllisHorwood,England,1982,ISBN:047027302X|ISBN13:9780470273029
- Greaves. P. H., and Saville B.P., Microscopy of Textile Fibres, Bios Scientific, U.K., 1995, ISBN: 1872748244 | ISBN-13:9781872748245
- Seville. B. P., Physical Testing of Textiles, Woodhead Publishing, 1999,ISBN: 1855733676 | ISBN-13:9781855733671
- Hearle J. W. S., and Peters. R. H., Fibre structure, Elsevier Ltd, 1963, ISBN: 1483212211 | ISBN-13:9781483212210
For detailed syllabus of all other subjects of Textile Technology, 2021 regulation curriculum do visit TT 3rd Sem subject syllabuses for 2021 regulation.
For all Textile Technology results, visit Anna University TT all semester results direct link.