Storage Transportation of Crude Oil and Natural Gas Petrochem Engg 7th Sem Syllabus for B.Tech 2017 Regulation Anna Univ (Professional Elective V)

Storage Transportation of Crude Oil and Natural Gas Petrochem Engg 7th Sem Syllabus for B.Tech 2017 Regulation Anna Univ (Professional Elective V) detail syllabus for Petrochemical Engineering (Petrochem Engg), 2017 regulation is collected from the Anna Univ official website and presented for students of Anna University. The details of the course are: course code (PE8079), Category (PE), Contact Periods/week (3), Teaching hours/week (3), Practical Hours/week (0). The total course credits are given in combined syllabus.

For all other petrochem engg 7th sem syllabus for b.tech 2017 regulation anna univ you can visit Petrochem Engg 7th Sem syllabus for B.Tech 2017 regulation Anna Univ Subjects. For all other Professional Elective V subjects do refer to Professional Elective V. The detail syllabus for storage transportation of crude oil and natural gas is as follows.

Course Objective:

  • To understand the natural gas regasification technology, crude oil transportation and to learn the concepts of storage.

Unit I

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Unit II

Natural Gas Regasification Technology
Commercial Sourcing of Natural Gas, Different Kinds of Regasification Techniques, Regasification Process and Cold Utilization, Synchronization of Degasified gas and Pipelines, Current Status in India

Unit III

Crude Oil Transportation
Transportation techniques of crude oil, Pipeline specification, Corrosion Prevention techniques, Pressure drop, Pumps and Booster station, Wax deposition and prevention, Chemical treatment

Unit IV

For complete syllabus and results, class timetable and more pls download iStudy. Its a light weight, easy to use, no images, no pdfs platform to make students life easier.

Unit V

Chartertics of Storage
Supply and Demand, Variation Gas Field and Aquifers, Technical Qualities and Storage, Properties of Storage Reservoir, Rocks and Fluids. Flow through Storage Reservoir; Inventory Concept, Pressure- Content Hysteresis, Inventory Verification, Gas Flow Performance, Gas Deliverability.
Design and Development of Underground Storage Fields: Operation of Storage Fields. Threshold Pressure. Water Influx/Efflux Quantities. Aquifer Equilibrium Pressure. Error and Uncertainty.
Gas Storage in Salt Cavity and Caverns: Thermodynamics, Temperature and Pressure Effect. Recent Developments Advanced Storage Techniques, Case Histories.

Course Outcome:

  • Students would be able to design various terminal design. They will be familiarize with the storage systems.

Text Books:

  1. Oilfield Processing: Crude Oil (Oilfield Processing of Petroleum R. Solvay, Pennwell Books 1995.
  2. Advances in Environmental Control Technology: Storage Tank Paul Cheremisinoff Gulf Professional Publishing; 1ST edition (May 9, 1996)

For detail syllabus of all other subjects of B.Tech Petrochem Engg, 2017 regulation do visit Petrochem Engg 7th Sem syllabus for 2017 Regulation.

Dont forget to download iStudy for latest syllabus and results, class timetable and more.

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