Instrumental Techniques In Drug Analysis Laboratory detailed syllabus for Pharmacy (Pharma) for 2021 regulation curriculum has been taken from the Anna University official website and presented for the Pharma students. For course code, course name, number of credits for a course and other scheme related information, do visit full semester subjects post given below.
For Pharmacy 6th Sem scheme and its subjects, do visit Pharma 6th Sem 2021 regulation scheme. The detailed syllabus of instrumental techniques in drug analysis laboratory is as follows.
Course Objectives:
- To carry out analytical experiments related to spectroscopic and chromatographic techniques.
List of Experiments:
- Calibration of volumetric glasswares.
- Establishing standard operating procedure (SOP) and Calibration records for analytical balance, pH meter and UV/Vis spectroscopy.
- Determination of lambda max.
- Quantitative analysis by titrimetric methods.
- Effect of change in physio-chemical parameters on absorbance spectrum of a drug molecule.
- Quantitative and qualitative analysis of drug molecule using standard comparison method by UV/Vis spectroscopy.
- Quantitative analysis of drug molecule using calibration graph method by UV/Vis Spectroscopy.
- Quantitative analysis of drug molecule using E1%1cm method by UV/Vis spectroscopy.
- Simultaneous analysis of drug molecules using UV/Vis Spectroscopy.
- Separation and identification of mixtures of drugs by TLC.
- Separation and identification of amino acids by paper chromatography.
- Identification of functional group of a drug molecule by IR spectroscopy.
- Quantitative and qualitative analysis of drug molecule using standard comparison method by HPLC.
Course Outcomes:
- Discuss the principle, theory and instrumentation of UV/Visible spectroscopy; Applications in pharmaceuticals.
- Describe the principle, instrumentation and operation of AAS; Difference between AAS and FES; Applications in pharmaceuticals.
- Illustrate the principle and instrumentation of IR and NMR spectroscopy; Applications in pharmaceuticals.
- Discuss the basic principle, instrumentation and ionization methods of Mass spectroscopy; Applications in pharmaceuticals.
- Describe the principle, instrumentation, solvents and packing materials of CC, TLC and HPLC; Applications in pharmaceuticals.
- Apply the theoretical knowledge of instruments, new analytical methods may be developed and validated for the screening of various pharmaceutical agents.
Reference Books:
- Atherden L.M, “Bentley and Driver’s Textbook of Pharmaceutical Chemistry”, 8th Edition,Oxford University Press, 2004.
- Siddiqui, Anees A, “Pharmaceutical Analysis”. Vol.I& II, 3rd edition, CBS Publishers, 2014.
- Takeru Higuchi, Einar Brochmann, Hanffen Hanssen, Hamffen Hanssen, “Pharmaceutical Analysis” 1st Edition, CBS Publishers, 2005.
- Loyd V. Allen Jr, “Remington: The Science and Practice of Pharmacy”. Vol. I & II, 22nd Edition, Pharmaceutical Press, 2012.
- Kenneth A. Connors, “Text book of Pharmaceutical Analysis”, 3rd Edition, John wiley and sons, New York, 2007.
For detailed syllabus of all other subjects of Pharmacy, 2021 regulation curriculum do visit Pharma 6th Sem subject syllabuses for 2021 regulation.
For all Pharmacy results, visit Anna University Pharma all semester results direct link.