Process Modeling and Simulation Med Ele 7th Sem Syllabus for BE 2017 Regulation Anna Univ (Open Elective II) detail syllabus for Medical Electronics (Med Ele), 2017 regulation is collected from the Anna Univ official website and presented for students of Anna University. The details of the course are: course code (OCH751), Category (OE), Contact Periods/week (3), Teaching hours/week (3), Practical Hours/week (0). The total course credits are given in combined syllabus.
For all other med ele 7th sem syllabus for be 2017 regulation anna univ you can visit Med Ele 7th Sem syllabus for BE 2017 regulation Anna Univ Subjects. For all other Open Elective II subjects do refer to Open Elective II. The detail syllabus for process modeling and simulation is as follows.
Course Objective:
- To give an overview of various methods of process modeling, different computational techniques for simulation.
Unit I
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Unit II
Steady State Lumped Systems
Degree of freedom analysis, single and network of process units, systems yielding linear and non-linear algebraic equations, flow sheeting – sequential modular and equation oriented approach, tearing, partitioning and precedence ordering, solution of linear and non-linear algebraic equations.
Unit III
Unsteady State Lumped Systems
Analysis of liquid level tank, gravity flow tank, jacketed stirred tank heater, reactors, flash and distillation column, solution of ODE initial value problems, matrix differential equations, simulation of closed loop systems.
Unit IV
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Unit V
Unsteady State Distributed System and Other Modelling Approaches
Analysis laminar flow in pipe, sedimentation, boundary layer flow, conduction, heat exchanger, heat transfer in packed bed, diffusion, packed bed adsorption, plug flow reactor. Empirical modeling, parameter estimation, population balance and stochastic modeling.
Course Outcome:
- Upon completing the course, the student should have understood the development of process models based on conservation principles and process data and computational techniques to solve the process models.
Text Books:
- Ramirez, W.; Computational Methods in Process Simulation , 2nd Edn., Butterworths Publishers, New York, 2000.
- Luyben, W.L., Process Modelling Simulation and Control ,2nd Edn, McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1990
- Felder, R. M. and Rousseau, R. W., Elementary Principles of Chemical Processes , John Wiley, 2000.
- Franks, R. G. E., Mathematical Modelling in Chemical Engineering , John Wiley, 1967.
- Amiya K. Jana,Process Simulation and Control Using ASPEN, 2nd Edn,PHI Learning Ltd (2012).
- Amiya K. Jana,ChemicalProcess Modelling and Computer Simulation 2nd Edn,PHI Learning Ltd,(2012).
For detail syllabus of all other subjects of BE Med Ele, 2017 regulation do visit Med Ele 7th Sem syllabus for 2017 Regulation.
Dont forget to download iStudy for latest syllabus and results, class timetable and more.