MV3013: Marine Machinery and Systems Design syllabus for Marine 2021 regulation (Professional Elective-II)

Marine Machinery and Systems Design detailed syllabus for Marine Engineering (Marine) for 2021 regulation curriculum has been taken from the Anna Universities official website and presented for the Marine students. For course code, course name, number of credits for a course and other scheme related information, do visit full semester subjects post given below.

For Marine Engineering 5th Sem scheme and its subjects, do visit Marine 5th Sem 2021 regulation scheme. For Professional Elective-II scheme and its subjects refer to Marine Professional Elective-II syllabus scheme. The detailed syllabus of marine machinery and systems design is as follows.

Course Objectives:

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Unit I

Journal bearings, thrust bearings, friction in journal bearings, bearing loads, bearing design using various equations. Thermal Equilibrium. Rolling bearing -Load ratings, types of radial ball bearings, selection of bearings, lubrication of ball and roller bearings, methods of failure.

Unit II

Basic design principles of spur gears, helical gears, dynamic tooth loads, design for strength and wear. Lewis and Buckingham equations. Basic design principles of bevel gears and worm gears, Lewis formula, thermal rating of worm gears.

Unit III

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Unit IV

Valves, safety valves and reducing valves – crane hooks, lifting chains, chain blocks, E.O.T. Crane.

Unit V

Water cooling systems for diesel engines and steam plants. Lubricating oil systems for propulsion and auxiliary engines. Electro hydraulic steering gear system including rudder, rudderstock, tiller, rams. Marine Diesel Engine air starting system including air receiver, compressors and air starting valves. Marine Diesel Engine Scavenge and Exhaust systems. Marine diesel Engine fuel injection system including fuel pumps and fuel injectors. Power transmission system including thrust blocks, intermediate shaft and tail end shaft. Steam turbine plants. Gas turbine plants.

Course Outcomes:

On completion of the course the students will be able to:

  1. Identify suitable types of Bearings.
  2. Design of IC Engine parts and gears.
  3. Design of Marine Machinery systems.
  4. Conduct tests on valves
  5. Understand the design criteria for marine systems.

Text Books:

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Reference Books:

  1. Indian Register of Shipping Part 1 to Part 7, “Rules and Regulations & Classification of steel ships” 1st Edition, Mumbai, 1999.
  2. Sam Had Dad, Neil Watson, “Design and Application in Diesel Engines”, 1st Edition, Ellis Horwood Limited, London, 1984.
  3. Pandya & Shah, “Machine Design”, 13th Edition, Charotar Publishing House, Gujarath, 1997.
  4. D.A. Taylor, “Marine Control Practice”, 2nd Edition, Butter worth & Co (Publishers) Ltd., London, 1987 5. ASME Standard Technology , “ A Guide to American Crane Standards”, ASME, 2008
  5. Smith.S.G,“Application Of Automatic Machinery And Alarm Equipment In Ships”, Marine Engineering Practice, Vol 1, Part 06, IMarEST, London, 2002
  6. Pearson, G.H., “Valve Design”, 1st Ed., Mechanical Engineering Publications”, 1978

For detailed syllabus of all the other subjects of Marine Engineering 5th Sem, visit Marine 5th Sem subject syllabuses for 2021 regulation.

For all Marine Engineering results, visit Anna University Marine all semester results direct link.

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