Marine Manufacturing Technology detailed syllabus for Marine Engineering (Marine) for 2021 regulation curriculum has been taken from the Anna Universities official website and presented for the Marine students. For course code, course name, number of credits for a course and other scheme related information, do visit full semester subjects post given below.
For Marine Engineering 5th Sem scheme and its subjects, do visit Marine 5th Sem 2021 regulation scheme. For Professional Elective-II scheme and its subjects refer to Marine Professional Elective-II syllabus scheme. The detailed syllabus of marine manufacturing technology is as follows.
Course Objectives:
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Unit I
Metal joining processes – flexible and permanent, Principles of welding – Fundamentals of arc welding, gas welding, gas cutting and Under water welding, Brazing and Soldering. Classification plastic welding, fusion welding, solid phase welding and sub classification. Study of power sources, electrodes, processes and applications: SMAW, SAWM, GTAW, GMAW, PAW, electro gas welding and Electro Slag, resistance welding. Defects and Inspection of welded joints.
Unit II
Sand casting, pattern and core making, moulding process – sand properties, melting furnaces – pit furnace and electric furnaces. Special casting processes – shell, investment, die casting – pressure and gravity types – squeeze casting – defects in casting – Plastic moulding – injection and blow moulding, and moulding – testing and inspection., Defects in shafting
Unit III
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Unit IV
Hot and cold working processes – rolling, forging, drawing and extrusion processes, bending, hot spinning, shearing, tube and wire drawing, cold forming, shot peening. Sheet metal working -blanking, piercing, punching, trimming, bending – types of dies – progressive, compound and combination dies. High-energy rate forming processes.
Unit V
Lathe: working principle, classification, specification accessories, lathe and tool holders, different operations on a lathe, methods of taper turning machining time and power required for cutting, Drilling and boring – classification, specification, cutters speed feed, machining time parts and description of parts parts-boring machines- jig borer -description, types and hole location procedures – milling -classification, principle, parts- specification milling cutters indexing, selection of milling /c fundament also finches processes, milling processes and operations – CNC machines.
Course Outcomes:
On completion of the course the students will be able to:
- Carry out Metal joining processes
- Understand Casting processes
- Evaluate Surface finishing processes
- Design Metal forming processes
- Classify Machining processes
Text Books:
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Reference Books:
- Jain K.C. Agarwal, L.N. “Metal Cutting Science and Production Technology”,1st edition, Khanna Publishers, 1986.
- Chapman W.A.J., “Workshop Technology”, Vol. II, Arnold Publishers,1972
- H.M.T., “Production Technology”, Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi, 2000.
- SeropeKalpakjian , Steven,R. Schmid, “Manufacturing Engineering and Technology,” 4th Ed. Pearson, 2011
- Timings, “Fabrication and Welding Engineering’, Elsevier, Indian Reprint -Yesdee Publishings Pvt. Ltd. 2011
- Kemp & Young, “Ship construction: Sketches and Notes”, 1st Ed. Standfor Maritime Limited, 1982
For detailed syllabus of all the other subjects of Marine Engineering 5th Sem, visit Marine 5th Sem subject syllabuses for 2021 regulation.
For all Marine Engineering results, visit Anna University Marine all semester results direct link.