Industrial Automation Laboratory detailed syllabus for Robotics & Automation Engineering (Robotics) for 2021 regulation curriculum has been taken from the Anna University official website and presented for the Robotics students. For course code, course name, number of credits for a course and other scheme related information, do visit full semester subjects post given below.
For Robotics & Automation Engineering 5th Sem scheme and its subjects, do visit Robotics 5th Sem 2021 regulation scheme. The detailed syllabus of industrial automation laboratory is as follows.
Course Objectives:
- To familiar and exercise the design procedure of various types of pneumatic and hydraulic fluid power circuits.
- To practice the fundamentals of Programmable Logic Controller.
- To practice the Data Communication between PLC.
List of Experiments:
- Experimental Verification of Speed Control Circuits in Pneumatic and Hydraulic Trainer.
- Experimental Verification of Single and Double Acting Cylinder Circuits Using Different Directional Control Values.
- Experimental Verification of Electro-Pneumatic Circuits.
- Experimental Verification of Pneumatic Sequencing Circuits.
- Experimental Verification of Logic, Metre-in and Metre-out Pneumatic Circuits.
- Experimental Verification of Electro Pneumatic Sequencing Circuits.
- Control of PLC Based Electro Pneumatic Sequencing Circuits.
- Control of PLC Based Electro Hydraulic Sequencing Circuits.
Any 6 Experiments
- Design a Ladder Logic Program for various Logic Gates AND, OR, NOT, NOR, NAND, EX-OR and EX-NOR.
- Develop Ladder Diagram Programming to set Timer and Counter in PLC.
- Develop PLC Program to Control Traffic Light.
- Develop PLC Program to Maintain the Pressure and Level in a Bottle Filling System.
- Develop Ladder Diagram Program in PLC For Material Filling, Object Shorting, Orientation Check and Material Property Check.
- Develop the Ladder Diagram Program in PLC for Material Handling, Delaying Conveyor, Feeding, Pick and Place Operation.
- Sensor and Actuator Interfacing in PLC and PLC to PLC Communication.
Any 6 Experiments
Course Outcomes:
Upon the completion of this course, the students will be able to;
- Design and simulate the fluid power circuits.
- Test the simulated output by constructing the fluid power circuits using suitable actuators and valves.
- Practice the PLC programming, Interfacing with IO and establish the communication between stations.
For detailed syllabus of all other subjects of Robotics & Automation Engineering, 2021 regulation curriculum do visit Robotics 5th Sem subject syllabuses for 2021 regulation.
For all Robotics & Automation Engineering results, visit Anna University Robotics all semester results direct link.