3rd Sem, IT

IT5312: Database Management Systems Laboratory Syllabus for IT 3rd Sem 2019 Regulation Anna University

Database Management Systems Laboratory detailed syllabus for Information Technology (IT) for 2019 regulation curriculum has been taken from the Anna Universities official website and presented for the IT students. For course code, course name, number of credits for a course and other scheme related information, do visit full semester subjects post given below.

For Information Technology 3rd Sem scheme and its subjects, do visit IT 3rd Sem 2019 regulation scheme. The detailed syllabus of database management systems laboratory is as follows.

Database Management Systems Laboratory

Course Objective:

  • To learn and implement important commands in SQL.
  • To learn the usage of nested and joint queries.
  • To understand functions, procedures and procedural extensions of databases.
  • To understand design and implementation of typical database applications.
  • To be familiar with the use of a front end tool for GUI based application development.


  1. Create a database table, add constraints (primary key, unique, check, Not null), insert rows, update and delete rows using SQL DDL and DML commands.
  2. Create set of tables, add foreign key constraints and incorporate referential integrity.
  3. Query the database tables using different “where” clause conditions and also implement aggregate functions.
  4. Query the database tables and explore sub queries and simple join operations.
  5. Query the database tables and explore natural, equi and outer joins.
  6. Write user defined functions and stored procedures in SQL.
  7. Execute complex transactions and realize DCL and TCL commands.
  8. Write SQL Triggers for insert, delete, and update operations in database table.
  9. Create View and index for database tables with large number of records.
  10. Create a XML database and validate it using XML schema.
  11. Create Document, column and graph based data using NOSQL database tools.
  12. Develop a simple GUI based database application and incorporate all the abovementioned features.

Course Outcome:

On completion of the course, the student will be able to:

  1. Create databases with different types of key constraints.
  2. Write simple and complex SQL queries using DML and DCL commands.
  3. Realize database design using 3NF and BCNF.
  4. Use advanced features such as stored procedures and triggers and incorporate in GUI based application development.
  5. Create XML database and validate with meta-data (XML schema).
  6. Create and manipulate data using NOSQL database.

For detailed syllabus of all other subjects of Information Technology, 2019 regulation curriculum do visit IT 3rd Sem subject syllabuses for 2019 regulation.

For all Information Technology results, visit Anna University IT all semester results direct link.

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