2nd Sem, IT

IT5211: Information Technology Essentials Laboratory Syllabus for IT 2nd Sem 2019 Regulation Anna University

Information Technology Essentials Laboratory detailed syllabus for Information Technology (IT) for 2019 regulation curriculum has been taken from the Anna Universities official website and presented for the IT students. For course code, course name, number of credits for a course and other scheme related information, do visit full semester subjects post given below.

For Information Technology 2nd Sem scheme and its subjects, do visit IT 2nd Sem 2019 regulation scheme. The detailed syllabus of information technology essentials laboratory is as follows.

Information Technology Essentials Laboratory

Course Objective:

  1. To design and develop static web pages using HTML5.
  2. To create attractive web pages using CSS (internal and external style sheets).
  3. To introduce the JavaScript/Angular JS for client-side validation of the web forms.
  4. To understand the concepts of PHP programming.
  5. To introduce PHP scripting language and MySQL functionalities for the development of simple data-centric applications.


  1. Design of static webpage primarily with text and CSS.
  2. Apply the inline and block level elements to identify the difference in the layout.
  3. Design the HTML forms (text boxes, text areas, radio buttons, check boxes and other elements by understanding the input types and specified needs).
  4. Include image/audio and video elements in the web pages.
  5. Format and position the text using CSS borders, background and color by understanding the box model.
  6. Validate the HTML form elements by creating small client-side validation scripts using JavaScript/Angular JS.
  7. Create small PHP scripts to manipulate data using various operators and PHP functions and display the results.
  8. Write two different PHP scripts to demonstrate passing variables to a URL.
  9. Create Website Registration Form using text box, check box, radio button, select, submit button, and display user inserted value in new PHP page.
  10. Write two different PHP scripts to demonstrate passing variables with sessions and cookies.
  11. Write PHP script to connect MySQL server from the website incorporating errorhandling using exceptions.
  12. Create a dynamic web site using PHP and MySQL.

Course Outcome:

On completion of the course, the student will be able to:

  1. Design and develop static web pages by using the markup languages that meet the specified needs and interests.
  2. Validate HTML forms developed using the JavaScript/Angular JS.
  3. Create dynamic websites/web based applications using HTML, PHP, and MYSQL database.
  4. Debug the programs by applying concepts and error handling techniques of HTML, JavaScript, PHP and MYSQL.
  5. Address/solve the real-time issues by developing data centric applications.
  6. Develop responsive websites using the programming languages and techniques associated with the World Wide Web.

For detailed syllabus of all other subjects of Information Technology, 2019 regulation curriculum do visit IT 2nd Sem subject syllabuses for 2019 regulation.

For all Information Technology results, visit Anna University IT all semester results direct link.

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