Introduction To C Programming Med Ele 7th Sem Syllabus for BE 2017 Regulation Anna Univ (Open Elective II) detail syllabus for Medical Electronics (Med Ele), 2017 regulation is collected from the Anna Univ official website and presented for students of Anna University. The details of the course are: course code (OCS752), Category (OE), Contact Periods/week (3), Teaching hours/week (3), Practical Hours/week (0). The total course credits are given in combined syllabus.
For all other med ele 7th sem syllabus for be 2017 regulation anna univ you can visit Med Ele 7th Sem syllabus for BE 2017 regulation Anna Univ Subjects. For all other Open Elective II subjects do refer to Open Elective II. The detail syllabus for introduction to c programming is as follows.
Course Objective:
- To develop C Programs using basic programming constructs
- To develop C programs using arrays and strings
- To develop applications in C using functions and structures
Unit I
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Unit II
Introduction to Arrays – One dimensional arrays: Declaration – Initialization – Accessing elements – Operations: Traversal, Insertion, Deletion, Searching – Two dimensional arrays: Declaration – Initialization – Accessing elements – Operations: Read – Print – Sum – Transpose
– Exercise Programs: Print the number of positive and negative values present in the array -Sort the numbers using bubble sort – Find whether the given is matrix is diagonal or not.
Text Book: Reema Thareja (Chapters 5)
Unit III
Introduction to Strings – Reading and writing a string – String operations (without using built-in string functions): Length – Compare – Concatenate – Copy – Reverse – Substring – Insertion -Indexing – Deletion – Replacement – Array of strings – Introduction to Pointers – Pointer operators – Pointer arithmetic – Exercise programs: To find the frequency of a character in a string – To find the number of vowels, consonants and white spaces in a given text – Sorting the names.
Text Book: Reema Thareja (Chapters 6 and 7)
Unit IV
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Unit V
Introduction to structures – Declaration – Initialization – Accessing the members – Nested Structures – Array of Structures – Structures and functions – Passing an entire structure -Exercise programs: Compute the age of a person using structure and functions (passing a structure to a function) – Compute the number of days an employee came late to the office by considering his arrival time for
days (Use array of structures and functions)
Text Book: Reema Thareja (Chapters 8)
Course Outcome:
Upon completion of this course, the students will be able to
- Develop simple applications using basic constructs
- Develop applications using arrays and strings
- Develop applications using functions and structures
Text Books:
- Reema Thareja, Programming in C, Oxford University Press, Second Edition, 2016
- Kernighan, B.W and Ritchie,D.M, The C Programming language, Second Edition, Pearson Education, 2006
- Paul Deitel and Harvey Deitel, C How to Program, Seventh edition, Pearson Publication
- Juneja, B. L and Anita Seth, Programming in C, CENGAGE Learning India pvt. Ltd., 2011
- Pradip Dey, Manas Ghosh, Fundamentals of Computing and Programming in C, First Edition, Oxford University Press, 2009
For detail syllabus of all other subjects of BE Med Ele, 2017 regulation do visit Med Ele 7th Sem syllabus for 2017 Regulation.
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