Environmental Instrumentation Laboratory detail syllabus for Environmental Engineering (Env), 2017 regulation is taken from Anna University official website and presented for students of Anna University. The details of the course are: course code (EN8611), Category (PC), Contact Periods/week (4), Teaching hours/week (0), Practical Hours/week (0). The total course credits are 4.
For all other env 6th sem syllabus for be 2017 regulation anna univ you can visit Env 6th Sem syllabus for BE 2017 regulation Anna Univ Subjects. The detail syllabus for environmental instrumentation laboratory is as follows.”
Course Objective:
- To train the students on the use of different instruments used for performance monitoring and testing of equipment in wastewater treatment, air pollution control, effluent analysis and emission monitoring.
List of Experiments:
A. Sample Collection, Handling and Preservation
- Sampling Protocol: Planning a Sampling Strategy
- The Representative Sample: Random vs. Judgmental Sampling
- Sampling Equipment: Devices and Containers for soil, air and water.
- Sampling Techniques: soil and water
- Sampling Techniques: gases and vapors
- Sample Documentation and Preservation, Chain of Custody (COC)
B. Methods of Analysis
- Sample Preparation: Interferences and Detection Limits
- Quality Control
- Field Quality Control: Duplicate Samples
- Quality Control in the Laboratory: Equipment Calibration, Matrix spike and Blank
- samples.
C. Electrode (Potentiometric) Methods:
- Use of bench top and field model pH meters
- Use of Dissolved Oxygen Meters.
- Use of TDS Meters.
D. Spectrophotometry
- Estimation of Phosphate.
- Estimation of Hydrocarbon.
- Estimation of Nitrogen.
- Estimation of Heavy Metals.
E. Chromatography
- Liquid/Gas Chromatography.
Course Outcome:
The students completing the course will have
- ability to collect, handle, preserve and analyse water, wastewater and solid samples
- ability to conduct potentiometric measurements
- ability to use spectrophotometer, liquid/gas chromatograph for analysis of environmental samples
- Douglas A. Skoog and Donald M. West, Analytical chemistry: An introduction, CBS publishing Japan Ltd. New York, 1986.
- Sawyer.C.N.and McCarty P. L. Chemistry for environmental engineering, McGraw Hill Publications, 4th edition, 1994.
- Standards Methods for the Examination of Water and Waste Water, 17th Edition, WPCF, APHA and AWWA, USA, 1989.
List of Equipments for a Batch of 30 Students
Sl. No Description of Equipment Quantity
- Sampling devices for water, wastewater and soil 1
- pH meter 3
- DO meter 1
- EC meter 2
- UV – Visible spectrophotometer 1
- HPLC 1
- Flame Photometer 1
- AAS 1
- GC 1
- Glasswares such as Pipette, Burette etc 1 for each student
For detail syllabus of all other subjects of BE Env, 2017 regulation do visit Env 6th Sem syllabus for 2017 Regulation.
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