Energy Technology Med Ele 7th Sem Syllabus for BE 2017 Regulation Anna Univ (Open Elective II) detail syllabus for Medical Electronics (Med Ele), 2017 regulation is collected from the Anna Univ official website and presented for students of Anna University. The details of the course are: course code (OCH752), Category (OE), Contact Periods/week (3), Teaching hours/week (3), Practical Hours/week (0). The total course credits are given in combined syllabus.
For all other med ele 7th sem syllabus for be 2017 regulation anna univ you can visit Med Ele 7th Sem syllabus for BE 2017 regulation Anna Univ Subjects. For all other Open Elective II subjects do refer to Open Elective II. The detail syllabus for energy technology is as follows.
Course Objective:
- Students will gain knowledge about different energy sources
Unit I
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Unit II
Conventional Energy
Conventional energy resources, Thermal, hydel and nuclear reactors, thermal, hydel and nuclear power plants, efficiency, merits and demerits of the above power plants, combustion processes, fluidized bed combustion.
Unit III
Non-Conventional Energy
Solar energy, solar thermal systems, flat plate collectors, focusing collectors, solar water heating, solar cooling, solar distillation, solar refrigeration, solar dryers, solar pond, solar thermal power generation, solar energy application in India, energy plantations. Wind energy, types of windmills, types of wind rotors, Darrieus rotor and Gravian rotor, wind electric power generation, wind power in India, economics of wind farm, ocean wave energy conversion, ocean thermal energy conversion, tidal energy conversion, geothermal energy.
Unit IV
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Unit V
Energy Conservation
Energy conservation – Act; Energy management importance, duties and responsibilities; Energy audit – Types methodology, reports, instruments. Benchmalcing and energy performance, material and energy balance, thermal energy management.
Course Outcome:
- Understand conventional Energy sources, Non- conventional Energy sources, biomass sources and develop design parameters for equipment to be used in Chemical process industries. Understand energy conservation in process industries
Text Books:
- Rao, S. and Parulekar, B.B., Energy Technology, Khanna Publishers, 2005.
- Rai, G.D., Non-conventional Energy Sources, Khanna Publishers, New Delhi, 1984.
- Nagpal, G.R., Power Plant Engineering, Khanna Publishers, 2008.
- Energy Management, Paul W.OCallaghan McGraw – Hill, 1993
- Nejat Vezirog, Alternate Energy Sources, IT, McGraw Hill, New York.
- El. Wakil, Power Plant Technology, Tata McGraw Hill, New York, 2002.
- Sukhatme. S.P., Solar Enery – Thermal Collection and Storage, Tata McGraw hill, New Delhi, 1981.
- Handbook of Energy Audit by 7th edition Albert Thumann, P.E., C.E.M and William J Younger C.E.M, Faiment Press 2008
For detail syllabus of all other subjects of BE Med Ele, 2017 regulation do visit Med Ele 7th Sem syllabus for 2017 Regulation.
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