Industrial safety detailed syllabus for Mechanical Engineering Sandwich (Mech Sandwich) for 2021 regulation curriculum has been taken from the Anna Universities official website and presented for the Mech Sandwich students. For course code, course name, number of credits for a course and other scheme related information, do visit full semester subjects post given below.
For Mechanical Engineering Sandwich 6th Sem scheme and its subjects, do visit Mech Sandwich 6th Sem 2021 regulation scheme. For Professional Elective-VIII scheme and its subjects refer to Mech Sandwich Professional Elective-VIII syllabus scheme. The detailed syllabus of industrial safety is as follows.
Course Objectives:
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Unit I
Accident, causes, types, results and control, mechanical and electrical hazards, types, causes and preventive steps/procedure, describe salient points of factories act 1948 for health and safety, wash rooms, drinking water layouts, light, cleanliness, fire, guarding, pressure vessels, etc, Safety color codes. Fire prevention and firefighting, equipment and methods.
Unit II
Definition and aim of maintenance engineering, Primary and secondary functions and responsibility of
maintenance department, Types of maintenance, Types and applications of tools used for maintenance, Maintenance cost & its relation with replacement economy, Service life of equipment.
Unit III
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Unit IV
Fault tracing-concept and importance, decision tree concept, need and applications, sequence of fault finding activities, show as decision tree, draw decision tree for problems in machine tools, hydraulic, pneumatic, automotive, thermal and electrical equipment’s like, i. Any one machine tool, ii. Pump iii. Air compressor, iv. Internal combustion engine, v. Boiler,vi. Electrical motors, Types of faults in machine tools and their general causes.
Unit V
Periodic inspection-concept and need, degreasing, cleaning and repairing schemes, overhauling of mechanical components, overhauling of electrical motor, common troubles and remedies of electric motor, repair complexities and its use, definition, need, steps and advantages of preventive maintenance. Steps/procedure for periodic and preventive maintenance of:i. Machine tools, ii. Pumps, iii. Air compressors, iv. Diesel generating (DG) sets, Program and schedule of preventive maintenance of mechanical and electrical equipment, Advantages of preventive maintenance. Repair cycle concept and importance.
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course the students would be able to
- Explain the fundamental concept and principles of industrial safety
- Apply the principles of maintenance engineering.
- Analyze the wear and its reduction.
- Evaluate faults in various tools, equipments and machines
- Apply periodic maintenance procedures in preventive maintenance.
Text Books:
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Reference Books:
- Edward Ghali, V. S. Sastri, M. Elboujdaini, Corrosion Prevention and Protection: Practical Solutions, John Wiley & Sons, 2007.
- Garg, HP, Maintenance Engineering, S. Chand Publishing.
- J Maiti, Pradip Kumar Ray, Industrial Safety Management: 21st Century Perspectives of Asia, Springer, 2017.
- R. Keith Mobley, Maintenance Fundamentals, Elsevier, 2011.
- W. E. Vesely, F. F. Goldberg, Fault Tree Handbook, Create space Independent Pub, 2014
For detailed syllabus of all the other subjects of Mechanical Engineering Sandwich 6th Sem, visit Mech Sandwich 6th Sem subject syllabuses for 2021 regulation.
For all Mechanical Engineering Sandwich results, visit Anna University Mech Sandwich all semester results direct link.