Air Pollution and Control Engineering Petrochem Engg 5th Sem Syllabus for B.Tech 2017 Regulation Anna Univ (Open Elective I) detail syllabus for Petrochemical Engineering (Petrochem Engg), 2017 regulation is collected from the Anna Univ official website and presented for students of Anna University. The details of the course are: course code (OCE551), Category (OE), Contact Periods/week (3), Teaching hours/week (3), Practical Hours/week (0). The total course credits are given in combined syllabus.
For all other petrochem engg 5th sem syllabus for 2017 regulation anna univ you can visit Petrochem Engg 5th Sem syllabus for B.Tech 2017 regulation Anna Univ Subjects. For all other Open Elective I subjects do refer to Open Elective I. The detail syllabus for air pollution and control engineering is as follows.
Course Objective:
- To impart knowledge on the principle and design of control of Indoor/ particulate/ gaseous air pollutant and its emerging trends.
Unit I
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Unit II
Effects of meteorology on Air Pollution – Fundamentals, Atmospheric stability, Inversion, Wind profiles and stack plume patterns- Atmospheric Diffusion Theories – Dispersion models, Plume rise.
Unit III
Control of Particulate Contaminants
Factors affecting Selection of Control Equipment – Gas Particle Interaction – Working principle -Gravity Separators, Centrifugal separators Fabric filters, Particulate Scrubbers, Electrostatic Precipitators.
Unit IV
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Unit V
Indoor Air Quality Management
Sources, types and control of indoor air pollutants, sick building syndrome and Building related illness- Sources and Effects of Noise Pollution – Measurement – Standards -Control and Preventive measures.
Course Outcome:
The students completing the course will have
an understanding of the nature and characteristics of air pollutants, noise pollution and basic concepts of air quality management
ability to identify, formulate and solve air and noise pollution problems
ability to design stacks and particulate air pollution control devices to meet applicable standards.
- Ability to select control equipments.
- Ability to ensure quality, control and preventive measures.
Text Books:
- Lawrence K. Wang, Norman C. Pareira, Yung Tse Hung, Air Pollution Control Engineering, Tokyo, springer science + science media LLC,2004.
- Noel de Nevers, Air Pollution Control Engineering, Waveland press,Inc 2017.
- Anjaneyulu. Y, Air Pollution and Control Technologies”, Allied Publishers (P) Ltd., India 2002.
- David H.F. Liu, Bela G. Liptak, Air Pollution, Lweis Publishers, 2000.
- Arthur C. Stern, Air Pollution (Vol.I – Vol.VIII), Academic Press, 2006.
- Wayne T.Davis, Air Pollution Engineering Manual, John Wiley and Sons, Inc, 2000.
- M.N Rao and HVN Rao, Air Pollution,Tata Mcgraw Hill Publishing Company limited,2007.
- C.S.Rao, Environmental Pollution Control Engineering,New Age International(P) Limited Publishers,2006.
For detail syllabus of all other subjects of B.Tech Petrochem Engg, 2017 regulation do visit Petrochem Engg 5th Sem syllabus for 2017 Regulation.
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