Computer Applications Practical detail TNDTE Diploma syllabus for Apparel Technology (AT), M scheme is extracted from TNDTE official website and presented for diploma students. The course code (30001), and for exam duration, Teaching Hr/week, Practical Hr/week, Total Marks, internal marks, theory marks, duration and credits do visit complete sem subjects post given below. The syllabus PDFs can be downloaded from official website.
For all other apparel tech 3rd sem syllabus for diploma m scheme tndte you can visit Apparel Tech 3rd Sem Syllabus for Diploma M Scheme TNDTE Subjects. The detail syllabus for computer applications practical is as follows.
The application of Computer knowledge is essential the students of all disciplines of Engineering in addition to their respective branch of study. The Computer Application Practical course facilitates the necessary knowledge and skills regarding creating, working and maintaining the documents and presentation of documents with audio visual effects ina computer and produces necessary skills in E- Learning and Chatting tools..
On completion of the following exercises, the students will be able to
- Use the GUI operating systems
- Familiarize and customize the desktop
- Use the different facilities available in the word processor
- Prepare Power Point presentation with different formats
- Expose E-learning tools and chatting tools
- Analyze the datasheet
- Create and manipulate the database
- Create different types of charts
- Prepare PowerPoint presentation
- Understand Internet concepts and usage of e-mail
For complete syllabus and results, class timetable and more pls download iStudy Syllabus App. It’s a lightweight, easy to use, no images, no pdfs platform to make students life easier.
Syllabus Lab Exercises Section – A
Graphical Opearting System
Introduction to GUI OS; Features and various versions of GUI OS & its use; Working with GUI OS; My Computer & Recycle bin ; Desktop, Icons and Explorer; Screen description & working styles of GUI OS; Dialog Boxes & Toolbars; Working with Files & Folders; simple operations like copy, delete, moving of files and folders from one drive to another, Shortcuts &Autostart; Accessories and Windows Settings using Control Panel- setting common devices using control panel, modem, printers, audio, network, fonts, creating users, internet settings, Start button & Program lists; Installing and Uninstalling new Hard ware & Software program on your computer – Copying in CD/DVD settings – Recording Audio files.
- Installing screen saver and change the monitor resolution by 1280X960
- Setting wall papers
- Creating, moving, deleting and renaming a folder
- Copy, paste and cut a folder/file
- Displaying the properties for a file or folder
- Restoring files and folders from Recycle bin
- Creating short cuts for folder/file
- Finding a file or folder by name
- Selecting and moving two or more files/folders using mouse
- Sorting folders/files.
Word Processing
Introduction to Word Processing – Examples- Creation of new documents, opening document, insert a document into another document. Page setup, margins, gutters, font properties, Alignment, page breaks, header footer deleting, moving, replace, editing text in document. Saving a document, spell checker.
Printing a document. Creating a table, entering and editing, Text in tables. Changing format of table, height width of row or column. Editing, deleting Rows, columns in table. Borders,
shading, Templates, wizards, drawing objects, mail merge.
- Create the following table and perform the operations given below
- Create a standard covering letter and use mail merge to generate the customized letters for applying to a job in various organizations. Also, create a database and generate labels for the applying organizations.
- Create a news letter of three pages with two columns text. The first page contains some
Days 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Mon ? Test ? A: Jpp Ca Rdbms Tut
Tue Ca Oop Cn Rdbms A: Rdbms
B: Jpp
Wed Cn Rdbms Oop Rdbms Communicatio N Cn Ca
Thu Oop A: Jpp Ca Rdbms Cn Oop
B: Rdbms
Fri Communicati On A: Rdbms Oop Cn Rdbms Ca
B: Jpp
Sat Oops Rdbms Cn Ca
formatting bullets and numbers. Set the document background colour and add ‘confidential’ as the watermark. Give the document a title which should be displayed in the header. The header/ footer of the first page should be different from other two pages. Also, add author name and date/ time in the header. The footer should have the page number.
Introduction to Analysis Package – Examples – Concepts of Workbook & Worksheets; Using Wizards; Various Data Types; Using different features with Data, Cell and Texts; Inserting, Removing & Resizing of Columns & Rows; Working with Data & Ranges; Different Views of Worksheets; Column Freezing, Labels, Hiding, Splitting etc.; Using different features with Data and Text; Use of Formulas, Calculations & Functions; Cell Formatting including Borders & Shading; Working with Different Chart Types; Printing of Workbook & Worksheets with various options.
- Create a result sheet containing Candidate’s Register No., Name, Marks for six subjects. Calculate the total and result. The result must be calculated as below and failed candidates should be turned to red.
- Create a table of records with columns as Name and Donation Amount. Donation amount should be formatted with two decimal places. There should be at least twenty records in the table. Create a conditional format to highlight the highest donation with blue color and lowest donation with red colour. The table should have a heading.
- Create line and bar chart to highlight the sales of the company for three different
Result is Distinction if Total>= 70 %
First Class if Total>= 60 % and < 70 %
Second Class if Total>= 50 % and < 60 %
Pass if Total>= 35 % and < 50 %
Fail otherwise
Create a separate table based on class by using auto filter feature.
periods for the following data.
Sales Bar Chart
Period Productl Product2 Product3 Total
Jan 35 40 50 125
Feb 46 56 40 142
Mar 70 50 40 160
Syllabus Lab Exercises Section – B
Introduction – Menus – Tool bar – Create – Edit – Save – Data types – Insert – Delete -Update – View – Sorting and filtering – Queries – Report – Page setup – Print.
- Create Database to maintain at least 10 addresses of your class mates with the following constraints
- Roll no. should be the primary key.
- Name should be not null
- create a students table with the following fields: Sr.No, Reg. No, Name, Marks in 5 subjects. Calculate total and percentage of 10 students. Perform the following queries.
- To find the details of distinction student
- To find the details of first class students
- To find the details of second class students
- Design a report for the above exercise to print the consolidated result sheet and mark card for the student.
- Make a marketing presentation of any consumer product with at least 10 slides.
- Create a Presentation about our institution or any subject with different slide transition with sound effect.
- Create an e-mail id and perform the following
- Write an e-mail inviting your friends to your Birthday Party.
- Make your own signature and add it to the e-mail message.
- Add a word attachment of the venue route
- Send the e-mail to at least 5 of your friends.
- Create a presentation on Google docs. Ask your friend to review it and comment
Introduction – Opening new presentation, Parts of PowerPoint window – Opening -Saving and closing presentations – Features of PowerPoint, Background design, Word art, Clip art, Drawings,3D settings – Animations, Sound, Views, types of views – Inserting and deleting slides, arranging slides, slides show, rehearsal, setup show, custom show – Creating custom presentations, action setting, auto content wizard, working with auto content wizard
Use different customized animation effects on pictures and clip art on any four of the ten slides.
Introduction – Getting acquainted with Internet Connection – Browsers – Website URL – Open a website – Net Browsing – Email: Creating E-mail id – Sending , receiving and deleting Email – Email with Attachments – CC and BCC – Chatting – Creating Group mail – Google docs – Search Engines – Searching topics .
Most Popular Social Networking Sites :History – Features – Services – Usage of Face book , Twitter and Linkdln.
Transferring data through wifi / bluetooth among different devices.
Introduction to cybercrime – Software Piracy – Viruses – Antivirus Software
onit. Use “Discussion” option for your discussions on the presentation.
Hardware and Software Requirements:-
For complete syllabus and results, class timetable and more pls download iStudy Syllabus App. It’s a lightweight, easy to use, no images, no pdfs platform to make students life easier.
Semester End Examination-75 Marks
Content Max.Marks
- Writing Procedure – One Question from Section A 15
- Demonstration 15
- Results with Printout 5
- Writing Procedure – One Question from Section B 15
- Demonstration 15
- Results with Printout 5
- Viva voce 5
Total 75MARK
For detail syllabus of all other subjects of BE Apparel Tech, M scheme do visit Apparel Tech 3rd Sem syllabus for M scheme.
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