7th Sem, IT

IT5711: Mobile and Security Laboratory Syllabus for IT 7th Sem 2019 Regulation Anna University

Mobile and Security Laboratory detailed syllabus for Information Technology (IT) for 2019 regulation curriculum has been taken from the Anna Universities official website and presented for the IT students. For course code, course name, number of credits for a course and other scheme related information, do visit full semester subjects post given below.

For Information Technology 7th Sem scheme and its subjects, do visit IT 7th Sem 2019 regulation scheme. The detailed syllabus of mobile and security laboratory is as follows.

Mobile and Security Laboratory

Course Objective:

  • To do several hands-on exercises to reinforce the students” knowledge and understanding of the various security aspects.
  • To explore the sequence of cryptographic algorithms by implementing using a programming language.
  • To understand vulnerabilities and security flaws in the various applications.
  • To develop simple and location specific applications in android environment.
  • To analyse the performance of mobile networks using Network simulator.

List of Exercises:

The following exercises are based on the cryptographic algorithms. They can be implemented using any Programming Language.

  1. Write a program to perform encryption and decryption using the following algorithms:
    1. Caesar cipher
    2. Affine Cipher
    3. Hill Cipher
    4. Transposition Cipher.
  2. Perform cryptographic attack on the cipher-text generated using any of the algorithms implemented in exercise 1.
  3. Write a program to demonstrate symmetric key encryption process using DES and AES algorithm.
  4. Write a program to implement RSA algorithm and demonstrate the key generation and encryption process.
  5. Write a program to generate message digest for the given message using the SHA/MD5 algorithm and verify the integrity of message.
  6. Write a program to sign and verify a document using DSA algorithm.
  7. Perform Penetration testing on a web application to gather information about the system, then initiate XSS and SQL injection attacks using tools like kali Linux.
  8. Develop a Mobile application for event handling and push notification in Android.
  9. Create animations and graphical primitives in Android environment.
  10. Develop a Location based services such as tracking, geofencing, and activity recognition using Google play services.
  11. Develop a Mobile application for recognizing and authorizing using camera and sensors.
  12. Performance analysis of various node deployment strategies in mobile environment using network simulators such as NS2/NS3/OPNET/GloMoSim/NetSim.

Course Outcome:

On completion of the course, the students will be able to:

  1. Attain knowledge to program both symmetric and asymmetric key cryptography.
  2. Implement specific encryption/decryption algorithms.
  3. Analyse the vulnerabilities in any application using penetration testing.
  4. Develop basic mobile applications in Android environment.
  5. Use both hardware and sensors to develop applications.
  6. Explore the performance analysis of mobile network using network simulator.

For detailed syllabus of all other subjects of Information Technology, 2019 regulation curriculum do visit IT 7th Sem subject syllabuses for 2019 regulation.

For all Information Technology results, visit Anna University IT all semester results direct link.

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