Basic Electrical Engineering Laboratory detailed syllabus for Chemistry Group 2021 Scheme curriculum has been taken from the VTUs official website and presented for the Chemistry Group students. For course code, course name, duration, number of credits for a course and other scheme related information, do visit full semester subjects post given below.
For Chemistry Group 2nd Sem scheme and its subjects, do visit Chemistry Group 2nd Sem 2021 Scheme scheme. The detailed syllabus of basic electrical engineering laboratory is as follows.
Course Objectives:
After studying this course, students should be able to:
- explain how to verify KCL and KVL for DC circuit and maximum power transfer theorem.
- explain power and power factor measurement of different types of lamps.
- explain the measurement of impedance for R-L circuits.
- explain the measurement of power consumed in a 3-phase load.
- explain methods of controlling a lamp from different places.
- explain the effect of open and short circuits in simple circuits and the suitability of earth resistance.
- Verification of KCL and KVL for DC circuits
- Verification of maximum power theorem.
- Measurement of Current, Power, and Power Factor of incandescent Lamp, Fluorescent Lamp and LED Lamp.
- Measurement of Resistance and inductance of a Choke coil using three voltmeter method.
- Determination of Phase and Line quantities in three-phase star and delta connected loads.
- Measurement of 3-phase Power using Two Wattmeter Method.
- Determination of efficiency of a single-phase transformer by direct load test.
- Two Way and Three-Way Control of Lamp and Formation of Truth Table.
- Measurement of Earth Resistance
- Study of the effect of Open and Short circuits in simple circuits.
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, the student will be able to:
- Verify KCL and KVL and maximum power transfer theorem for DC circuits.
- Compare power factors of different types of lamps.
- Demonstrate the measurement of the impedance of an electrical circuit and power consumed by a 3-phase load.
- Analyze two-way and three-way control of lamps.
- Explain the effects of open and short circuits in simple circuits.
- Interpret the suitability of earth resistance measured.
For detailed syllabus of all other subjects of Chemistry Group, 2021 Scheme curriculum do visit Chemistry Group 2nd Sem subject syllabuses for 2021 Scheme.
For all Chemistry Group results, visit VTU Chemistry Group all semester results direct link.