Engineering Physics detailed syllabus for Chemistry Group 2021 Scheme curriculum has been taken from the VTUs official website and presented for the Chemistry Group students. For course code, course name, duration, number of credits for a course and other scheme related information, do visit full semester subjects post given below.
For Chemistry Group 2nd Sem scheme and its subjects, do visit Chemistry Group 2nd Sem 2021 Scheme scheme. The detailed syllabus of engineering physics is as follows.
Course Objectives:
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Teaching-Learning Process (General Instructions)
These are sample Strategies, which teacher can use to accelerate the attainment of the various course outcomes.
- Apart from conventional lecture methods various types of innovative teaching techniques through videos, animation films may be adopted so that the delivered lesson can progress the students in theoretical, applied and practical skills in physics.
- State the necessity of physics in engineering studies and offer real life examples.
- Seminars and Quizzes may be arranged for students in respective subjects to develop skills.
- Encourage the students for group learning to improve their creativity and analytical skills.
- While teaching show how every concepts can be applied to the real world. This helps the students to expand understanding level.
- Support and guide the students for self-study.
- Ask some higher order thinking questions in the class, which promotes critical thinking.
- Inspire the students towards the studies by giving new ideas and examples.
Module 1:
Oscillations and Waves: 08 Hours Free Oscillations: Basics of SHM, derivation of differential equation for SHM, Mechanical simple harmonic oscillators (spring constant by series and parallel combination), Equation of motion for free oscillations, Natural frequency of oscillations. Damped Oscillations: Theory of damped oscillations (derivation), over damping, critical & under damping (only graphical representation), quality factor. ForcedOscillations: Theory of forced oscillations (derivation) and resonance, sharpness of resonance. Shock waves: Mach number, Properties of Shock waves, Construction and working of Reddy shock tube, applications of shock waves, Numerical problems.
Teaching Learning Process Chalk and Talk, Power Point Presentation, Videos Practical Topics:
- Spring in series and parallel combination
Self-Study Component: Basics of Shm
Module 2:
Modern Physics & Quantum Mechanics: 08 Hours Introduction to blackbody radiation spectrum- Wien’s law, Rayleigh Jean’s law, Stefan -Boltzmann law and Planck’s law (qualitative), Deduction of Wien’s law and Rayleigh Jeans law from Planck’s law. Wave-Particle dualism, deBroglie hypothesis, de-Broglie wavelength. Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle and its physical significance, Application of uncertainty principle-Non-existence of electron in the nucleus (relativistic case), Wave functionProperties, Physical significance, Probability density, Normalization, Eigen values and Eigen functions. Time independent Schrodinger wave equation. Particle in a box- Energy Eigen values and probability densities, Numerical problems.
Teaching Learning Process Chalk and Talk, Power Point Presentation, Videos Practical Topics:
- Verification of Stefan’s Law
Self-Study Component: Wave- Particle Dualism, De-Broglie Hypothesis , De- Broglie Wavelength.
Module 3:
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Module 4:
Electrical Conductivity in Solids: 08 Hours Classical free electron theory: Drude- Lorentz theory & Assumptions, Expression for electrical conductivity (no derivation), Failures of classical free-electron theory. Quantum free electron theory: Assumptions, Density of states (no derivation), Fermi-energy, Fermi factor & its temperature dependence, Fermi – Dirac Statistics, Expression for electrical conductivity (derivation), Merits of Quantum free electron theory. Physics of Semiconductors: Fermi level in intrinsic semiconductors, Expression for concentration of electrons in conduction band, Holes concentration in valance band (only mention the expression), Conductivity of semiconductors (derivation), Hall effect, Expression for Hall coefficient (derivation). Dielectrics: Electric dipole, Dipole moment, Polarization of dielectric materials, Types of polarizations. Qualitative treatment of Internal field in solids for one dimensional infinite array of dipoles (Lorentz field). Claussius-Mossotti equation (derivation), Numerical problems.
Teaching Learning Process Chalk and Talk, Power Point Presentation, Videos Practical Topics:
- Fermi Energy of a material
- Resistivity of a material
Self-Study Component: Electric Dipole, Dipole Moment, Polarization of Dielectric Materials
Module 5:
Material Characterization Techniques and Instrumentation: 08 Hours Introduction to materials: Nanomaterials and nanocomposites. Principle, construction and working of X-ray Diffractometer, crystal size determination by Scherrer equation. Principle, construction, working and applications of -Atomic Force Microscope (AFM), X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscope (XPS), Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM), Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM) Numerical problems.
Teaching-Learning Process Chalk and Talk, Power Point Presentation, Videos Self study Component:X-ray diffractometer.
Course Outcomes:
(Course Skill Set) At the end of the course the student will be able to :
- Interpret the types of mechanical vibrations and their applications, the role of Shock waves in various fields.
- Demonstrate the quantisation of energy for microscopic system.
- App[y LASER and Optical fibers in opto electronic system.
- Illustrate merits of quantum free electron theory and applications of Hall effect.
- Analyse the importance of XRD and Electron Microscopy in Nano material characterization.
Text Books:
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Reference Books:
- Introduction to Mechanics — M.K. Verma: 2nd Ed, University Press(India) Pvt Ltd, Hyderabad 2009.
- Lasers and Non Linear Optics – B.B. Laud, 3rd Ed, New Age International Publishers 2011.
- LASERS Principles, Types and Applications by K.R. Nambiar-New Age International Publishers.
- Solid State Physics-S O Pillai, 8th Ed- New Age International Publishers-2018.
- Shock waves made simple- Chintoo S Kumar, K Takayama and KPJ Reddy: Willey India Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi2014.
- Materials Characterization Techniques-Sam Zhang, Lin Li, Ashok Kumar, CRC Press, First Edition, 2008.
- Characterization of Materials- Mitra P.K . Prentice Hall India Learning Private Limited.
- Nanoscience and Nanotechnology: Fundamentals to Frontiers – M.S.Ramachandra Rao & Shubra Singh, Wiley India Pvt Ltd .
Web links and Video Lectures (e-Resources):
Activity Based Learning (Suggested Activities in Class)/ Practical Based learning
For detailed syllabus of all other subjects of Chemistry Group, 2021 Scheme curriculum do visit Chemistry Group 2nd Sem subject syllabuses for 2021 Scheme.
For all Chemistry Group results, visit VTU Chemistry Group all semester results direct link.