Basic Electrical Engineering detailed syllabus for Chemistry Group 2021 Scheme curriculum has been taken from the VTUs official website and presented for the Chemistry Group students. For course code, course name, duration, number of credits for a course and other scheme related information, do visit full semester subjects post given below.
For Chemistry Group 2nd Sem scheme and its subjects, do visit Chemistry Group 2nd Sem 2021 Scheme scheme. The detailed syllabus of basic electrical engineering is as follows.
Course Objectives:
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Module 1:
DC circuits: Ohm’s law and Kirchhoff’s laws, analysis of series, parallel and series-parallel circuits excited by independent voltage sources. Power and energy, maximum power transfer theorem appliedto the series circuit and its applications. Single-phase circuits: Generation of sinusoidal voltage, frequency of generated voltage, average value, RMS value, form, and peak factors. Voltage and current relationship, with phasor diagrams, in R, L, and C circuits. Teaching Learning Process Chalk and talk method.
Module 2:
Single-phase circuits (continued): Analysis of R-L, R-C, R-L-C Series and Parallel circuits, Real power, reactive power, apparent power, and Power factor. Measurement of power. Three-phase circuits: Generation of three-phase power, representation of balanced star (3 wire and 4 wire system) and delta connected loads, the relation between phase and line values of voltage and current from phasor diagrams, advantages of three-phase systems. Measurement of three-phase powerby two-wattmeter method. Teaching Learning Process Single-phase circuits: Chalk and talk, Three-phase circuits: (i) For a generation of 3-phase power, video/animation areused. Numerical problems can be solved with the chalk and talk method. (ii) Practical Topics: Relation between the line and phase parameter in 3-phase connection both delta and Star connections, Power measurement in the 3-phase circuit.
Module 3:
DC Machines: (a) Principle of operation, constructional details, induced emf expression, types of generators, and the relation between induced emf and terminal voltage. (b) Principle of operation, back emf and torque equations, types of motors, characteristics (shunt andseries only), and applications. Transformers: Necessity of transformer, the principle of operation, Types, and construction of single-phase transformers, emf equation, losses, variation of losses with respect to load, efficiency, and condition for maximum efficiency. Teaching Learning Process DC Machines: Cut out demo/actual machine module, video for working of machine, chalk, and talk. Transformer topic: Demo modules, actual machine cut-out module and chalk and talk method of teaching, YouTube videos.
Module 4:
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Module 5:
Power transmission and distribution: Concept of power transmission and power distribution. Lowvoltage distribution system (400 V and 230 V) for domestic, commercial, and small-scale industry through block diagrams only. Electricity bill: Power rating of household appliances including air conditioners, PCs, laptops, printers,etc. Definition of “unit” used for consumption of electrical energy, two-part electricity tariff, calculation of electricity bill for domestic consumers. Equipment Safety measures: Working principle of Fuse and Miniature circuit breaker (MCB), merits and demerits. Personal safety measures: Electric Shock, Earthing and its types, Safety Precautions to avoid shock,and Residual Current Circuit Breaker (RCCB). Teaching Learning Process Chalk and talk, Demonstration of functioning of MCG and Fuse. Visit: Visit nearest area substation/locality pole or pad-mounted transformer.Self-study topic: Safety precautions to avoid shock.
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, the student will be able to
- Analyse basic DC and AC electric circuits.
- Explain the working principles of transformers and electrical machines.
- Explain the concepts of electric power transmission and distribution of power.
- Understand the wiring methods, electricity billing, and working principles of circuit protectivedevices and personal safety measures.
Text Books:
- Electrical and Electronic Technology Edward Hughes Pearson 12 th edition, 2016
- A Textbook of Electrical Technology B.L.Theraja S Chand and Company Reprint Edition2014
Reference Books:
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For detailed syllabus of all other subjects of Chemistry Group, 2021 Scheme curriculum do visit Chemistry Group 2nd Sem subject syllabuses for 2021 Scheme.
For all Chemistry Group results, visit VTU Chemistry Group all semester results direct link.