Engineering Chemistry Laboratory detailed syllabus for Chemistry Group 2021 Scheme curriculum has been taken from the VTUs official website and presented for the Chemistry Group students. For course code, course name, duration, number of credits for a course and other scheme related information, do visit full semester subjects post given below.
For Chemistry Group 1st Sem scheme and its subjects, do visit Chemistry Group 1st Sem 2021 Scheme scheme. The detailed syllabus of engineering chemistry laboratory is as follows.
Course Objectives:
- Quantitative analysis of materials by volumetric and chemical method.
- Instrumental methods for developing experimental skills in building technical competence
Instrumentation Experiments
- Estimation of FAS Potentiometrically using standard K2C2O7 solution.
- Estimation of Acids in acid mixture Conductometrically.
- Determination of Viscosity coefficient of a given liquid using Ostwald’s viscometer
- Estimation of copper Colorimetrically.
- Determination of pKa value of a given weak acid using pH meter
Volumetric Experiments
- Estimation of Total hardness of water by EDTA complexometric method.
- Determination of Nickel using EDTA by complexometric method
- Determination of percentage of copper in brass using standard sodium thiosulphate solution.
- Determination of Chemical oxygen demand of industrial waste water.
- Estimation of percentage of iron in the given rust solution using standard Potassium Dichromate solution (External indicator method)
Demonstration Experiments (For Cie Only)
- Estimation of Sodium & Potassium in the given sample of water using Flame Photometer.
- Synthesis of nanomaterial by Precipitation method.
Course Outcomes:
(Course Skill Set): At the end of the course the student will be able to:
- Determine the pKa and coefficient of Viscosity of a given organic liquid.
- Estimate the amount of substance present in the given solution using Potentiometer Conductometric and Colorimetric.
- Determine the total hardness and chemical oxygen demand in the given solution by volumetric analysis method
- Estimate the percentage of Nickel, copper and Iron in the given analyte solution by titration method.
- Demonstrate flame photometric estimation of sodium & potassium and the synthesis of nanomaterials by Precipitation method.
Text Books:
- Vogel’s A.I. A text book of quantitative analysis, 35th edition, 2012.
- Willard, Merit, Dean and Settle, A text book of Instrumental analysis, 6th edition 2012.
Reference Books:
- G.H Jeffery, J Bassett, J Mendham and R.C. Denney Vogel’s A.I. A text book of quantitative analysis, Dorling Kindersley (India) Pvt., Ltd. 35th edition, 2012.
- Gary D Christian, Analytical Chemistry, Wiley India, 6th edition, 2015.
- T. Pradeep, A Text book of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, McGraw Hill Education (India) Pvt., Ltd., 1st edition, 2015
For detailed syllabus of all other subjects of Chemistry Group, 2021 Scheme curriculum do visit Chemistry Group 1st Sem subject syllabuses for 2021 Scheme.
For all Chemistry Group results, visit VTU Chemistry Group all semester results direct link.