Operating Systems Lab detailed syllabus for Information Technology (IT), 2nd Year 2nd Sem R22 regulation has been taken from the JNTUH official website and presented for the B.Tech students affiliated to JNTUH course structure. For Course Code, Subject Names, Theory Lectures, Tutorial, Practical/Drawing, Credits, and other information do visit full semester subjects post given below. We make sure the result links and syllabus uploaded here is latest and up to date, also the syllabus PDF files can also be downloaded from the universities official website.
For Information Technology (IT) 2nd Year 2nd Sem R22 Regulation Scheme, do visit IT 2nd Year 2nd Sem R22 Scheme. The detailed syllabus for operating systems lab is as follows.
Operating Systems Lab Subject Syllabus for IT 2nd Year 2nd Sem R22 Regulation
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Co – requisite:
A course on ‘Operating Systems’.
Course Objectives:
- To provide an understanding of the design aspects of operating system concepts through simulation
- Introduce basic Unix commands, system call interface for process management, interprocess communication and I/O in Unix
Course Outcomes:
For the complete Syllabus, results, class timetable, and many other features kindly download the iStudy App
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List of Experiments:
- Write C programs to simulate the following CPU Scheduling algorithms
- Round Robin
- priority
- Write programs using the I/O system calls of UNIX/LINUX operating system (open, read, write, close, fcntl, seek, stat, opendir, readdir)
- Write a C program to simulate Bankers Algorithm for Deadlock Avoidance and Prevention.
- Write a C program to implement the Producer – Consumer problem using semaphores using UNIX/LINUX system calls.
- Write C programs to illustrate the following IPC mechanisms
- Pipes
- Message Queues
- Shared Memory
- Write C programs to simulate the following memory management techniques
- Paging
- Segmentation
- Write C programs to simulate Page replacement policies
- Optimal
- Operating System Principles – Abraham Silberchatz, Peter B. Galvin, Greg Gagne 7th Edition, John Wiley
- Advanced programming in the Unix environment, W.R.Stevens, Pearson education.
For the complete Syllabus, results, class timetable, and many other features kindly download the iStudy App
It is a lightweight, easy to use, no images, and no pdf platform to make students’s lives easier.
For detailed syllabus of all the other subjects of B.Tech 2nd Year Information Technology (IT), visit Information Technology (IT) 2nd Year Syllabus Subjects.
For results of Information Technology (IT) 2nd Year 2nd Sem R22 Regulation, visit IT 2nd Year 2nd Sem R22 Regulation results direct link.