CADD Lab detailed syllabus for Wood & Paper Technology (WP) for 2021 revision curriculum has been taken from the SITTTRs official website and presented for the Wood & Paper Technology students. For course code, course name, number of credits for a course and other scheme related information, do visit full semester subjects post given below.
For Wood & Paper Technology 5th Sem scheme and its subjects, do visit Wood & Paper Technology (WP) 5th Sem 2021 revision scheme. The detailed syllabus of cadd lab is as follows.
Course Objectives:
- To introduce CADD tools and preparation of simple drawing by using CADD tools.
- To familiarize wood working machines by using 2D CADD tools.
- To disseminate 2D CADD tool to develop different objects in 2D.
- To illustrate furniture drawing by using basic 3D CADD tools
Course Outcomes:
On completion of the course, the student will be able to:
- Familiarize the CADD drawing tools
- Outline the wood working machines using CADD tools
- Develop objects in 2D
- Apply Basic 3 D CADD Tools
Module 1:
- Explain computer aided design tools
- Explain the applications of CADD
- Identify the units and coordinate systems
- Explain work sheet
Module 2:
- Apply different application level tools.
- Draw different orthographic views
- Explain different applications in 2D Furniture production
Module 3:
- Recall 2D Drawing with different workshop drawings
- Develop orthographic views simple furniture’s like Chair, Table, Teapoy, Door, hinge’s, Windows with 3 panel, computer table in 2D
Module 4:
- Recall different tools in 3D
- To explain 3 D Drawing with editing and modifying tools, dimensioning.
- Able to develop different simple objects /furniture
Text Books:
- George Omura, Mastering AutoCAD 2018 and AutoCAD LT 2018, Wiley Publishers
Reference Books:
- Cad folks, AutoCAD 2019 for Beginners, Kishore Publishers
- Scott Onstott, AutoCAD 2018 and AutoCAD LT 2018 Essentials, Wiley Publishers
- P.S. Gill, Learning AutoCAD, S.K. Kataria& Sons
- Jin Feng, Basic AutoCAD for Interior Designers Using Release 14, Peachpit Press
Online Resources
For detailed syllabus of all other subjects of Wood & Paper Technology (WP), 2021 revision curriculum do visit Wood & Paper Technology 5th Sem subject syllabuses for 2021 revision.
To see the syllabus of all other branches of diploma 2021 revision curriculum do visit SITTTR diploma all branches syllabus..
To see the results of Wood & Paper Technology (WP) of diploma 2021 revision curriculum do visit SITTTR diploma Wood & Paper Technology (WP) results..
For all Wood & Paper Technology academic calendars, visit Wood & Paper Technology all semesters academic calendar direct link.