Production Management detailed syllabus for Wood & Paper Technology (Wood & Paper) for 2015 revision curriculum has been taken from the SITTTRs official website and presented for the Wood & Paper students. For course code, course name, number of credits for a course and other scheme related information, do visit full semester subjects post given below.
For Wood & Paper Technology 5th Sem scheme and its subjects, do visit Wood & Paper 5th Sem 2015 revision scheme. The detailed syllabus of production management is as follows.
Course Outcomes:
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Specific outcome
- Know Production Management
- State the scope of production management
- Define production
- Define productivity
- Differentiate between production and productivity
- Compute productivity
- Understand Production Planning and Control
- State PPC
- Explain production planning l
- Explain about PPC objectives
- Explain type of production
- Comprehend Plant Location and Layout
- Define plant location
- Explain the plant selection factors
- Define plant lay out
- Explain objectives
- Explain the factors of plant lay out
- Explain different types of plant lay out
- Understand Plant Maintenance
- State plant maintenance
- Explain type of maintenance about preventive predictive & break down
- Explain about maintenance documentation
- Comprehend Material Handling
- State material handling
- Explain the factors effecting material handling
- Explain different types of material equipment
- Understand Method Study &Work Study
- Define work study
- State the objectives of method study
- State the procedure of method study
- Explain the recording techniques using charts
- Understand Work Study &Work Measurement
- Define work study
- State the importance of work study
- Explain the advantages of work study
- Explain the procedure of work study
- Explain work sampling
- Comprehend Value Engineering
- State the meaning of value engineering
- Define value engineering
- Differentiate between value analysis &value engineering
- Explain the uses of value engineering
- Explain the steps of value analyses
- Understand Estimating Costing
- State the objectives of estimating
- Explain the functions of estimating
- Explain estimation procedure
- List different types of cost like material, labour &overheads
- Compute costing with simple problems
- Define depreciation
- Calculate depreciation by straight line, reducing balance, annuity &sinking fund method
- Define break even analysis
- Explain the importance of break even analysis &assumptions
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- Plant location and Plant layout
- Factors to be considered in locating Industrial plants
- Availability of raw materials
- proximity to market and transport facilities
- availability of power and fuel
- availability of suitable labor
- Climate and atmosphere condition
- commercial facilities
- local laws
- attitude of local people
- defense from enemy attacks
- Protected area& environmental factors.
- Plant lay out -objectives -principles of plant layout – types of layout- – product layout, process layout, combination and fixed position layout– advantages – preparation of activity relationship chart -SLP- Application of Computers in Plant Layout- Corelap-aldep etc Factors: Influencing the plant layout –type of production -production system – availability of area – material handling system – type of building – future expansion plan- maintenance management- Introduction – need for maintenance-cost of maintenance-direct, indirect, total cost of maintenance-unavailability cost – types of maintenance – preventive, predictive, breakdown, shutdown, scheduled maintenance – condition based maintenance – opportunity maintenance, occasional maintenance schedule – failure statistics — maintenance log preparation -structure of maintenance department
- Factors to be considered in locating Industrial plants
- Material handling Material Handling-Importance of Material Handling-Material Handling Principle-Material Handling equipments-Classification
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Fundamentals of Estimating -Explain estimating – differentiate estimating and costing – objectives and functions of estimating – principal constituents of estimating the cost of a component – design time, method studies, time studies, drafting time, planning and production time, design and manufactures of special tools, experimental work, labor, material, over heads,Breake Even Analysis-Calculation
Reference Books:
For the complete syllabus, results, class timetable, and many other features kindly download the iStudy App
It is a lightweight, easy to use, no images, and no pdfs platform to make students’s lives easier.
For detailed syllabus of all other subjects of Wood & Paper Technology, 2015 revision curriculum do visit Wood & Paper 5th Sem subject syllabuses for 2015 revision.
To see the syllabus of all other branches of diploma 2015 revision curriculum do visit all branches of SITTTR diploma 2015 revision.