EC813PE: Wireless Sensor Networks ECE Syllabus for B.Tech 4th Year 2nd Sem R18 Regulation JNTUH (Professional Elective-5)

Wireless Sensor Networks detailed syllabus for Electronics & Communication Engineering (ECE), R18 regulation has been taken from the JNTUHs official website and presented for the students of B.Tech Electronics & Communication Engineering branch affiliated to JNTUH course structure. For Course Code, Course Titles, Theory Lectures, Tutorial, Practical/Drawing, Credits, and other information do visit full semester subjects post given below. The syllabus PDF files can also be downloaded from the universities official website.

For all the other ECE 4th Year 2nd Sem Syllabus for B.Tech R18 Regulation JNTUH scheme, visit Electronics & Communication Engineering 4th Year 2nd Sem R18 Scheme.

For all the (Professional Elective-5) subjects refer to Professional Elective-5 Scheme. The detail syllabus for wireless sensor networks is as follows.


Analogue and Digital Communications

Course Objective:

For the complete syllabus, results, class timetable, and many other features kindly download the iStudy App
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Course Outcome:

Upon completion of the course, the student will be able to:

  • Analyze and compare various architectures of Wireless Sensor Networks
  • Understand Design issues and challenges in wireless sensor networks
  • Analyze and compare various data gathering and data dissemination methods.
  • Design, Simulate and Compare the performance of various routing and MAC protocol

Unit – I

Introduction to Sensor Networks, unique constraints and challenges, Advantage of Sensor Networks, Applications of Sensor Networks, Types of wireless sensor networks

Unit – II

For the complete syllabus, results, class timetable, and many other features kindly download the iStudy App
It is a lightweight, easy to use, no images, and no pdfs platform to make students’s lives easier.
Get it on Google Play.

Unit – III

Routing protocols, MAC protocols: Classification of MAC Protocols, S-MAC Protocol, B-MAC protocol, IEEE 802.15.4 standard and ZigBee

Unit – IV

Dissemination protocol for large sensor network. Data dissemination, data gathering, and data fusion; Quality of a sensor network; Real-time traffic support and security protocols.

Unit – V

For the complete syllabus, results, class timetable, and many other features kindly download the iStudy App
It is a lightweight, easy to use, no images, and no pdfs platform to make students’s lives easier.
Get it on Google Play.

Text Books:

  1. Ad-Hoc Wireless Sensor Networks- C. Siva Ram Murthy,B. S. Manoj, Pearson
  2. Principles of Wireless Networks – Kaveh Pah Laven and P. Krishna Murthy, 2002, PE

Reference Books:

For the complete syllabus, results, class timetable, and many other features kindly download the iStudy App
It is a lightweight, easy to use, no images, and no pdfs platform to make students’s lives easier.
Get it on Google Play.

For detail syllabus of all other subjects of B.Tech Electronics & Communication Engineering 4th Year 2nd Sem , visit ECE 4th Year 2nd Sem syllabus subjects.

For B.Tech Electronics & Communication Engineering (ECE) 4th Year results, visit JNTUH B.Tech Electronics & Communication Engineering semester results direct link.

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