4th Sem, AERO

VTU Syllabus 4th Sem AERO 2018 Scheme

VTU Syllabus 4th Sem AERO 2018 Scheme gives bird’s eye view of complete semester subjects for Aeronautical Engineering students right from official website VTU and presented here for VTU students. Links have been provided in the table below for each subject’s detailed syllabus. We make sure all subjects are up-to-date and have latest information.

For detailed Syllabus of all other subjects of BE (Aeronautical Engineering) 4th Sem, do visit VTU Syllabus 4th Sem AERO 2018 Scheme.

VTU Syllabus 4th Sem AERO 2018 Scheme

S.No Course Course Code Course Title Teaching Department Theory Lecture Tutorial Practice/Drawing Duration Hours CIE Marks SEE Marks Total Marks Credits
1 18MAT41 Complex Analysis Probability and Statistical Methods Mathematics 2 1 03 40 60 100 3
2 PCC 18AE42/18AS42 Aerodynamics-I AE 3 1 03 40 60 100 4
3 PCC 18AE43 Aircraft Propulsion AE 3 0 03 40 60 100 3
4 PCC 18AE44/18AS44 Mechanisms and Machine Theory AE 3 0 03 40 60 100 3
5 PCC 18AE45 Aircraft Material Science AE 3 0 03 40 60 100 3
6 PCC 18AE46 Turbomachines AE 3 0 03 40 60 100 3
7 PCC 18AEL47A/18AEL47B Measurement and Metrology Lab or Material Testing Lab AE 2 2 03 40 60 100 2
8 PCC 18AEL48/18ASL48 Computer Aided Aircraft Drawing Lab AE 2 2 03 40 60 100 2
9 HSMC 18KVK39/49 Vyavaharika Kannada (Kannada for Communication) HSMC 2 100 100 1
9 HSMC 18KAK39/49 Aadalitha Kannada (Kannada for Administration) HSMC 2 100 100 1
9 HSMC 18CPC39/49 Constitution of India, Professional Ethics and Cyber Law HSMC 1 02 40 60 100 1

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For the results of BE 4th Sem, kindly visit VTU BE 4th Sem direct result link.

Wishing you great luck ahead.

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