Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning detailed Syllabus for Biomedical Engineering (BME), 2018 scheme has been taken from the VTUs official website and presented for the VTU students. For Course Code, Subject Names, Teaching Department, Paper Setting Board, Theory Lectures, Tutorial, Practical/Drawing, Duration in Hours, CIE Marks, Total Marks, Credits and other information, visit full semester subjects post given below. The Syllabus PDF files can also be downloaded from the official website of the university.
For all the other VTU BME 8th Sem Syllabus for BE 2018 Scheme, visit Biomedical Engineering 8th Sem 2018 Scheme.
For all the (Professional Elective-4) subjects refer to Professional Elective-4 Scheme. The detail syllabus for artificial intelligence and machine learning is as follows.
Module 1
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Module 2
Parallel and Distributed AI: Psychological Modeling, Parallelism in Reasoning Systems, Distributed Reasoning Systems: Coordination and Cooperation. (Text1-16.1,16.2,16.3,16.3.1) Connectionist Models: Introduction: Hopfield Networks, Connectionist AI and Symbolic AI. (Text 118.1,18.6)
Module 3
Genetic Algorithms (Gas): Learning: Generalization of an Input-Output table, Significance of the Genetic operators, Ant Algorithms (Text 1- 23.2,23.2.2,23.3,23.8) Multilayer Perceptrons: The Perceptron, multilayer Perceptrons, Learning time-Time delay networks, Recurrent networks, Deep Learning (Text 2-11.1.2,11.2,11.511.12,11.13)
Module 4
For the complete Syllabus, results, class timetable, and many other features kindly download the iStudy App
It is a lightweight, easy to use, no images, and no pdfs platform to make students’s lives easier.
Module 5
Dimensionality Reduction: Introduction, Subset selection, Principal Component analysis. Kernel Machines: Introduction, Optimal separating hyperplane (SVM). (Text 2- 6.16.2,6.313.113.2)
Course Outcomes:
After studying this course, students will be able to
- Appraise the basics of Artificial intelligence and concepts of natural language processing.
- Illustrate the working of Parallel, Distributed and connectionist models of AI.
- Discuss the fundamentals of Genetic algorithms.
- Escalate the underlying mathematical relationships within and across Machine Learning algorithms and the paradigms of supervised learning.
- Explore the associated parameters of the Machine Learning algorithms viz., dimensionality reduction, classification, etc.
Question paper pattern:
For the complete Syllabus, results, class timetable, and many other features kindly download the iStudy App
It is a lightweight, easy to use, no images, and no pdfs platform to make students’s lives easier.
Text Books:
- Artificial Intelligence-Elaine Rich,Kevin Knight,Shivashankar B Nair, McGraw Hill Education, 3rd Edition, 2016.ISBN 978-0-07-008770-5.
- Introduction to Machine Learning-Ethem Alpaydin, PHI Learning,3rd Edition,2018. ISBN978-81-203-5078-6.
Reference Books:
- Introduction to Artificial Intelligence-Eugene Charnik, Drew McDermott,Pearson Education India, 1st edition, ISBN-978-8131703069
For the detail Syllabus of all other subjects of BE (BME) 8th Sem, visit Biomedical Engineering 8th Sem Subjects.
For all (CBSE & Non-CBSC) BE/B.Tech results, visit VTU BE/B.Tech all semester results.