4th Sem, AI

4CAI4-24: Linux Shell Programming Lab Syllabus for AI 4th Sem 2021-22 Regulation RTU

Linux Shell Programming Lab detailed syllabus for Artificial Intellignece (AI) for 2021-22 regulation curriculum has been taken from the Rajasthan Technical University official website and presented for the artificial intellignece students. For course code, course name, number of credits for a course and other scheme related information, do visit full semester subjects post given below.

For Artificial Intellignece 4th Sem scheme and its subjects, do visit AI 4th Sem 2021-22 regulation scheme. The detailed syllabus of linux shell programming lab is as follows.

Linux Shell Programming Lab

List of Experiments:

  1. Use of Basic Unix Shell Commands: ls, mkdir, rmdir, cd, cat, banner, touch, file, wc, sort, cut, grep, dd, dfspace, du, ulimit.
  2. Commands related to inode, I/O redirection and piping, process control commands, mails.
  3. Shell Programming: Shell script based on control structure- If-then-fi, if-then-else-if, nested if-else, to find:
    1. 3.1 Greatest among three numbers.
    2. 3.2 To find a year is leap year or not.
    3. 3.3 To input angles of a triangle and find out whether it is valid triangle or not.
    4. 3.4 To check whether a character is alphabet, digit or special character.
    5. 3.5 To calculate profit or loss.
  4. Shell Programming – Looping- while, until, for loops
    1. 4.1 Write a shell script to print all even and odd number from 1 to 10.
    2. 4.2 Write a shell script to print table of a given number
    3. 4.3 Write a shell script to calculate factorial of a given number.
    4. 4.4 Write a shell script to print sum of all even numbers from 1 to 10.
    5. 4.5 Write a shell script to print sum of digit of any number.
  5. Shell Programming – case structure, use of break
    1. 5.1 Write a shell script to make a basic calculator which performs addition, subtraction, Multiplication, division
    2. 5.2 Write a shell script to print days of a week.
    3. 5.3 Write a shell script to print starting 4 months having 31 days.
  6. Shell Programming – Functions
    1. 6.1 Write a shell script to find a number is Armstrong or not.
    2. 6.2 Write a shell script to find a number is palindrome or not.
    3. 6.3 Write a shell script to print Fibonacci series.
    4. 6.4 Write a shell script to find prime number.
    5. 6.5 Write a shell script to convert binary to decimal and decimal to binary
  7. Write a shell script to print different shapes- Diamond, triangle, square, rectangle, hollow square etc.
  8. Shell Programming – Arrays
    1. 8.1 Write a C program to read and print elements of array.
    2. 8.2 Write a C program to find sum of all array elements.
    3. 8.3 Write a C program to find reverse of an array.
    4. 8.4 Write a C program to search an element in an array.
    5. 8.5 Write a C program to sort array elements in ascending or descending order.

For detailed syllabus of all other subjects of Artificial Intellignece, 2021-22 regulation curriculum do visit AI 4th Sem subject syllabuses for 2021-22 regulation.

For all Artificial Intellignece results, visit Rajasthan Technical University artificial intellignece all semester results direct link.

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