2nd Sem, EEE

1FY3-24& 2FY3-24: Computer Programming Lab Syllabus for EEE 2nd Sem 2020-21 Regulation RTU

Computer Programming Lab detailed syllabus for Electrical & Electronics Engineering (EEE) for 2020-21 regulation curriculum has been taken from the Rajasthan Technical University official website and presented for the electrical & electronics engineering students. For course code, course name, number of credits for a course and other scheme related information, do visit full semester subjects post given below.

For Electrical & Electronics Engineering 2nd Sem scheme and its subjects, do visit EEE 2nd Sem 2020-21 regulation scheme. The detailed syllabus of computer programming lab is as follows.

Computer Programming Lab

List of Experiments:

  1. To learn about the C Library, Preprocessor directive, Input-output statement.
  2. Programs to learn data type, variables, If-else statement
  3. Programs to understand nested if-else statement and switch statement
  4. Programs to learn iterative statements like while and do-while loops
  5. Programs to understand for loops for iterative statements
  6. Programs to learn about array and string operations
  7. Programs to understand sorting and searching using array
  8. Programs to learn functions and recursive functions
  9. Programs to understand Structure and Union operation
  10. Programs to learn Pointer operations
  11. Programs to understand File handling operations
  12. Programs to input data through Command line argument

For detailed syllabus of all other subjects of Electrical & Electronics Engineering, 2020-21 regulation curriculum do visit EEE 2nd Sem subject syllabuses for 2020-21 regulation.

For all Electrical & Electronics Engineering results, visit Rajasthan Technical University electrical & electronics engineering all semester results direct link.

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