Hydraulics I detailed syllabus scheme for B.Tech Civil Engineering (CV), 2018-19 onwards has been taken from the DBATU official website and presented for the Bachelor of Technology students. For Subject Code, Course Title, Lecutres, Tutorials, Practice, Credits, and other information, do visit full semester subjects post given below.
For all other DBATU Syllabus for Civil Engineering 3rd Sem 2018-19, do visit CV 3rd Sem 2018-19 Onwards Scheme. The detailed syllabus scheme for hydraulics i is as follows.
Hydraulics I Syllabus for Civil Engineering (CV) 2nd Year 3rd Sem 2018-19 DBATU
Module 1: Fundamental Concepts (Lectures 06)
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Module 2: Fluid Statics (Lectures 06)
Forces on fluid elements, fundamental equation, manometers, hydrostatic thrust on submerged surfaces, buoyancy, stability of unconstrained bodies, fluids in rigid body motion
Module 3: Fluid Kinematics (Lectures 06)
Types of flow, continuity equation, derivation and applications of momentum equation, Euler’s equation, Bernoulli’s equation, velocity potential and stream function, concept of flow net
Module 4: Laminar Flow (Lectures 06)
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Module 5: Dimensional Analysis and Similitude (Lectures 06)
Nature of dimensional analysis, Rayleighs Method, Buckingham pi theorem, dimensionless groups and their physical significance, flow similarity and model studies, Scale Effects, Distorted and Undistorted Models
Module 6: Flow Measurement (Lectures 06)
Direct methods, restriction flow meters, linear flow meters, traversing methods, measurements in open channel flow Flow Through Pipes:Loss of energy in pipes, pipe discharging from a reservoir, pipe connecting two reservoirs in series and parallel, siphon, transmission of power through nozzle, water hammer in pipes- rigid and elastic water column theory, surge tanks – function, calculation of head loss, introduction to Moody’s chart, nomograms and other pipe diagrams
Text Books:
For the complete syllabus, results, class timetable, and many other features kindly download the iStudy App
It is a lightweight, easy to use, no images, and no pdf platform to make students’s lives easier.
Reference Books:
- Streeter V. L., Bedford K. W. and Wylie E. B., Fluid Dynamics, New York, McGraw-Hill, Ninth Edition, 1998
- Som S. K. & Biswas G., Introduction to Fluid Mechanics & Fluid Machines, Tata McGraw-Hill, 2nd Edi., 2003
Course Outcomes:
On completion of the course, the students will be able to:
- CO1: Calibrate the various flow measuring devices.
- CO2: Determine the properties of fluid and pressure and their measurement.
- CO3: Understand fundamentals of pipe flow, losses in pipe and analysis of pipe network.
- CO4: Visualize fluid flow phenomena observed in Civil Engineering systems.
For detail syllabus of all other subjects of Civil Engineering (CV) 3rd Sem 2018-19 regulation, visit CV 3rd Sem Subjects syllabus for 2018-19 regulation.