Electric Vehicles detailed syllabus for Tool & Die Engineering (TD) for 2021 revision curriculum has been taken from the SITTTRs official website and presented for the Tool & Die Engineering (TD) students. For course code, course name, number of credits for a course and other scheme related information, do visit full semester subjects post given below.
For Tool & Die Engineering 6th Sem scheme and its subjects, do visit Tool & Die Engineering (TD) 6th Sem 2021 regulation scheme. For Professional Elective-III scheme and its subjects refer to Tool & Die Engineering (TD) Professional Elective-III syllabus scheme. The detailed syllabus of electric vehicles is as follows.
Course Objectives:
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Course Outcomes:
On completion of the course, the students will be able to:
- Outline the basic concepts of electrical vehicles and their classifications
- Identify various drive trains in Electric Vehicles and Hybrid Electric Vehicles
- Outline the importance of hybridization of various energy storage in electric vehicles.
- Explain the EV charging system integrated with renewable energy
Module 1:
Introduction to Electric Vehicles
Overview of automobile development – Introduction to Electric Vehicle(EV) – Historical background- Benefits of EV including environmental impacts
Types of EVS – Pure Electric vehicle(PE)-Battery Electric vehicles (BEV)-Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles(FCEV)-Hybrid Electric vehicle(HEV) – Plug-in Hybrid Electric vehicle (PHEV) – Types of Electric vehicles based on with and without differential -Types of HEV series, parallel, series-parallel and Complex -Differences between EV and conventional vehicles – Differences between complete EV and Hybrid vehicles – Single speed transmission
Government Schemes and Progress: FAME-1, FAME-2; Transformative -mobility and Energy Storage Mission, and other latest central level policies – State Policies, subsidies, and incentives – Global experiences and success stories on EV production
Motor drive Technologies – classification of EV Motors – Configuration and control of DC Motor drives – Induction Motor drives – Permanent Magnet Motor drives – Switched reluctance motor
Module 2:
For the complete syllabus, results, class timetable, and many other features kindly download the iStudy App
It is a lightweight, easy to use, no images, and no pdfs platform to make students’s lives easier.
Module 4:
Electric vehicle grid integration- Introduction – Impact of EV charging on distribution system (congestion, power quality issues etc.) – Smart charging – Vehicle to anything (V2X) technology (V2G, V2V, V2H, V2B etc.) – Grid up gradation for fast charging stations Cost estimate of an EV charging station – Demand response from EVs – Voltage/reactive power support from EVs – Frequency support (inertial, primary, and secondary) from EVs – Fleet aggregation approaches for grid support services EVs and renewable energy (RE) integration-Scheduling of EVs for increased RE generation uptake – RE based EV charging stations – Correlation between EV charging and RE integration – Coordinated operation of EVs and distributed generation – Cost comparison of RE based EV charging with other alternatives Maintenance, repairing and services Troubleshooting faults in different EV components (Motor, drive train, battery etc.) – Repairing and rectifying faults in EV motor and components – EV battery and battery management systems – EV charging device repairing – Battery disposal & recycling
Text Books:
For the complete syllabus, results, class timetable, and many other features kindly download the iStudy App
It is a lightweight, easy to use, no images, and no pdfs platform to make students’s lives easier.
- Ehsani, M. et.al. Modern Electric, Hybrid Electric and Fuel Cell Vehicles: Fundamentals, Theory and Design, CRC Press
- Hand book on EV charging Infrastructure Implementation by NITI Ayog, Govt Of India
Reference Books:
- NPTEL Notes on Introduction to EV & HEV
- Electric Vehicle trends – Electrical Installation Guide (electrical-installation.org)
- Electric Vehicles Integrated with Renewable Energy Sources for Sustainable Mobility
- Husain, I. Electric and Hybrid Electric Vehicles, CRC Press
- A.K. Babu, Electric & Hybrid Vehicles, Khanna Publishing House, New Delhi (Ed. 2018)
- Fuhs, A. E. Hybrid Vehicles and the Future of Personal Transportation, CRC Press,
- Gianfranco, Electric and Hybrid Vehicles: Power Sources, Models, Sustainability, Infrastructure And The Market, Pistoia Consultant, Rome, Italy,
- Chan C. C. and K. T. Chau, Modern Electric Vehicle Technology, Oxford Science Publication,
- Lechner G. and H. Naunheimer, Automotive Transmissions: Fundamentals, Selection,Design and Application, Springer
- Rashid, M. H. Power Electronics: Circuits, Devices and Applications, 3rd edition, Pearson,
- Moorthi, V. R. Power Electronics: Devices, Circuits and Industrial Applications, Oxford University Press
- Krishnan, R. Electric motor drives: modelling, analysis, and control, Prentice Hall11. Krause, O. P. ; C. Wasynczuk, S. D. Sudhoff, Analysis of electric machinery, IEEE Press
Online Resources
For the complete syllabus, results, class timetable, and many other features kindly download the iStudy App
It is a lightweight, easy to use, no images, and no pdfs platform to make students’s lives easier.
For detailed syllabus of all other subjects of Tool & Die Engineering, 2021 revision curriculum do visit Tool & Die Engineering (TD) 6th Sem subject syllabuses for 2021 revision.
To see the syllabus of all other branches of diploma 2021 revision curriculum do visit SITTTR diploma all branches syllabus..
To see the results of Tool & Die Engineering of diploma 2021 revision curriculum do visit SITTTR diploma results..
For all Tool & Die Engineering academic calendars, visit Tool & Die Engineering all semesters academic calendar direct link.