Interior Design Engineering detailed syllabus for Wood & Paper Technology (Wood & Paper) for 2015 revision curriculum has been taken from the SITTTRs official website and presented for the Wood & Paper students. For course code, course name, number of credits for a course and other scheme related information, do visit full semester subjects post given below.
For Wood & Paper Technology 5th Sem scheme and its subjects, do visit Wood & Paper 5th Sem 2015 revision scheme. The detailed syllabus of interior design engineering is as follows.
Course Outcomes:
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Specific outcome
- Understand Fundamentals Of Interior Designing
- Define Interior Design
- State the Importance of Interior Design and decoration
- Describe the History of Interior Design
- Discuss fundamentals of designing
- Discuss harmony proportion balance rhythm and emphasis
- Understand Importance of Ergonomics
- Define ergonomics
- Explain Approach to human factor
- Explain system reliability
- Explain system reliability
- Define Display
- Explain Display with figures
- Explain selection of Display
- Define Graphic relationship
- Explain Qualitative, Quantities reading and Check display
- Explain Anthropometry
- Understand Interior Decoration Materials
- List Construction Materials
- Describe Stone, Brick and Timber
- Classify cement and Explain Manufacture
- Describe Concrete and Mortar
- Explain wood based Construction Materials
- Describe Glass, Metal, Paint, Plastic, rubber, latex ,Asphalt, Bitumen
- Understand Construction Techniques
- List Construction Techniques
- Describe deep and shallow foundation with sketches
- Explain Brickbonds
- Explain arches and lintels
- Understand Interior Designing Of Residential Spaces
- State the Importance Of Residential Spaces
- Describe Minimum requirements of Residential Spaces
- Explain Design Consideration of Living room, Dining room, Kitchen, Bedroom, Study room, Bathroom, Library, Storage room with Figure
- Understand Window Tratment, Wall Treatment And Floor Treatment
- Explain wall treatment, Window treatment, Floor treatment
- Describe Carpet and Cushion
- Explain Design sinages and symbols
- Explain Furniture Arrangement with minimum Dimensions
- Know Colour Theory
- State colour Theory
- Illustrate Colourwheel and Explain
- Describe the Psychology of Colour Theory
- Explain Air conditioning Fundamentals
- Understand Interior Designing of Public Spaces
- Describe designing of office interiors and drawing with examples
- Describe the designing of general office multiple work station private Offices and reception
- Describe hospitality spaces such as hotels restaurants
- Describe the plant scaping a audio visual system auditorium sealing security
- Describe the colour theory window treatment (general idea only)
- Understand designing a room
- Describe floor plans and room arrangement, Dimensions
- Describe decorating a room
- Describe the selection of color fabrics, wall treatment, floor coverings, window treatment, lighting and accessories
- Compute the estimate and budget for public spaces such as seminar hall theatre 4.2 Understand Light and Luminaries
- Define Light
- Describe Different Light Sources
- State Luminaries
- Classify Luminaries
- Understand Greenbuilding Technology
- State Green Building
- Describe the relevance of Greenbuliding
- Explain Greenbuilding materials
- Describe the Fundamentals of Estimating and Costing
- Calculate Sample Estimations
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Building materials and finishes – Types and uses of stone, brick, timber, cement, mortar, concrete, plastics, glass, wood based materials, metals – ferrous and nonferrous, wall, floor and ceiling finishes. various construction techniques in interiors. Foundation -Deep and Shallow, Brick bonds – stretcher, header, English and Flemish bond , Arches, Lintels, Staircase, cladding, flooring, roofing, ceiling
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General office multiple workstation-private offices -reception -hospitality spaces restaurants- hotel public spaces- private offices reception hospitality spaces- restaurants -hotel- public spaces – seminar hall- theatre- Auditorium- wall finishes floor and floor finishes-Wall treatment-Window Treatment and Floor Finishes. Importance of lighting – Artificial lighting – light sources,Types and uses of light, specific factors in lighting – measurements of lighting and economy in lighting, Psychological aspects of light, Avoidance of glare – Glare its types and prevention. Lighting accessories – Selection of lamps and lighting fixtures, lighting for various areas and specific activities, modern features in lighting design. Green building technology – Meaning, concept, impact of green building on human health and natural environment, need, importance and benefits of green buildings. Materials and finishes used in green building – Bamboo, straw, wood, dimension stone, Recycled stone, non-toxic metals, Earth blocks-compressed, rammed, baked; vermiculites, flax linen, sisal, wood fibres, cork, coconut ,polyurethane block. Green building practices and technologies. Roof, walls, floors – electrical, plumbing, windows, and doors, heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC), insulation, Interior
Reference Books:
For the complete syllabus, results, class timetable, and many other features kindly download the iStudy App
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For detailed syllabus of all other subjects of Wood & Paper Technology, 2015 revision curriculum do visit Wood & Paper 5th Sem subject syllabuses for 2015 revision.
To see the syllabus of all other branches of diploma 2015 revision curriculum do visit all branches of SITTTR diploma 2015 revision.