Academic Calendar

JNTUA Academic Calendar 2024-25 B.Tech|B.Pharm|MBA|MCA|M.Tech|M.Pharm

JNTUA Academic Calendar 2024-25 Released. Students of JNTUA B.Tech, B.Pharmacy, M.B.A, M.C.A, M.Tech, and M.Pharmacy Courses all semesters academic calendar 2024-2025 are announced.

JNTUA academic calendar gives you a clear idea of your educational plans and students can check the academic calendar in detail like the events, dates of exams, and duration of the semester.

JNTU Anantapur academic calendar for the B.Tech, B.Pharmacy, M.B.A, M.C.A, M.Tech, M.Pharmacy. JNTUA academic calendars for the Academic Year 2024-2025 and all upcoming years. We update you with all updated academic calendars for all courses and all semesters.

JNTUA Academic Calendar 2024-2025

JNTUA Academic calendar 2024-2025 for B.Tech, B.Pharm, MBA, MCA, M.Tech, and M.Pharm is a schedule of all of the events that occur in an academic year. These events may include examination dates and the last day of the semester. Academic calendars and the dates included can be presented at the semester level or as part of an academic year-long calendar.

Courses & SemJNTUA Academic Calendar 2024-2025
PharmD (PB)JNTUA PharmD (PB) 1st Year Academic Calendar AY 2024-25
M.PharmJNTUA M.Pharm I & II Semesters Academic Calendar AY 2024-25
Pharm.DPharm.D 2nd Year Academic Calendar AY 2024-25
Pharm.DPharm.D Third Year Academic Calendar for AY 2024-25
M.ScJNTUA M.Sc 1st & 2nd sem Academic Calendar 2024-25
MCAJNTUA MCA 1st & 2nd sem Academic Calendar 2024-25
MBAJNTUA MBA 1st & 2nd sem Academic Calendar 2024-25
Pharm.DJNTUA Pharm.D 4th Year Academic Calendar AY 2024-25
Pharm.D (PB)JNTUA Pharm.D (PB) 3rd Year Academic Calendar AY 2024-25
B.TechJNTUA B.Tech 1st Year Academic Calendar for AY 2024-25
M.ScJNTUA M.Sc 3rd & 4th sem Academic Calendar AY 2024-25
MBAJNTUA MBA 3rd & 4th sem Academic Calendar AY 2024-25
MCAJNTUA MCA 3rd & 4th sem Academic Calendar AY 2024-25
M.PharmJNTUA M.Pharm 3rd & 4th sem Academic Calendar AY 2024-25
M.TechJNTUA M.Tech 3rd & 4th sem Academic Calendar AY 2024-25
B.PharmJNTUA B.Pharm 4th Year Academic Calendar for AY 2024-25
B.PharmJNTUA B.Pharm 2nd Year Academic Calendar for AY 2024-25
B.PharmJNTUA B.Pharm 3rd Year Academic Calendar for AY 2024-25
B.TechJNTUA B.Tech 2nd Year Academic Calendar for AY 2024-25
B.TechJNTUA B.Tech 3rd Year Academic Calendar for AY 2024-25
B.TechJNTUA B.Tech 4th Year Academic Calendar for AY 2024-25
Pharm D.JNTUA Pharm D. (Regular) V & VI Year Academic Calendar AY 2024-25
Pharm.DJNTUA Pharm.D 6th Year Academic Calendar AY 2024-25
Pharm.DJNTUA Pharm.D 2nd Year Academic Calendar AY 2023-24
MBAJNTUA MBA 1st & 2nd sem Academic Calendar AY 2023-24
  • The Mid Term Examinations should be conducted and completed as per the schedule given.
  • All the midterm examinations shall be of both objective and descriptive type as per the academic regulations.

The midterm examinations are to be conducted during both forenoon and afternoon sessions and are to be completed as per the schedule given above JNTUA academic calendar 2024-25.

Students can take advantage of the JNTUA academic calendar 2024-25 and plan their studies for the best results. Students can keep visiting InI for more updates.

All other details and yearly new syllabus, cutoffs, timetable, and other notifications will be updated here from time to time. Subscribe, and like us on Facebook for all updates.

Do share with friends and in case of questions please feel free to drop a comment.
Wish You All Good Luck !!

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