Mathematical Methods for Petroleum Engineering detailed syllabus for Petroleum Engineering (PE), 2nd Year 2nd Sem R18 regulation has been taken from the JNTUH official website and presented for the B.Tech students affiliated to JNTUH course structure. For Course Code, Subject Names, Theory Lectures, Tutorial, Practical/Drawing, Credits, and other information do visit full semester subjects post given below. We make sure the result links and syllabus uploaded here is latest and up to date, also the syllabus PDF files can also be downloaded from the universities official website.
For Petroleum Engineering (PE) 2nd Year 2nd Sem R18 Regulation Scheme, do visit PE 2nd Year 2nd Sem R18 Scheme. The detailed syllabus for mathematical methods for petroleum engineering is as follows.
Mathematical Methods for Petroleum Engineering Subject Syllabus for PE 2nd Year 2nd Sem R18 Regulation
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Course Objectives:
The Lab emphasizes on writing MATLAB code, execution and doing what if analysis of the variations in the parameters for the given problems.
Course Outcomes:
The Students will be able to
- apply mathematical methods to Petroleum Engineering Problems.
- write code in MATLAB.
- Determination of Molar volume and Compressibility from Redlich-Kwong Equation
- Calculation of flow rate in a pipeline
- Correlation of the physical properties
- Compressibility factor variation from vanderwaals equation
- Isothermal compression of gas using Redlich-Kwong Equation of state
- Thermodynamic properties of steam from Redlich-Kwong Equation
- Solution of Stiff Ordinary Differential Equations
- Iterative Solution of ODE boundary value problem
- Shooting method for solving two-point boundary value problems
- Expediting the solution of systems of nonlinear algebraic equations
- Solving differential algebraic equations -DAEs
- Method of lines for Partial Differential Equations
- Estimating model parameters involving ODEs using fermentation data
List of problems:
Problem solving in Chemical and Biochemical Engineering with POLYMATH, Excel and MATLAB by Michael B. Cutlip and Mordechai Shacham, Prentice Hall, 2008.
For detailed syllabus of all the other subjects of B.Tech 2nd Year Petroleum Engineering (PE), visit Petroleum Engineering (PE) 2nd Year Syllabus Subjects.
For results of Petroleum Engineering (PE) 2nd Year 2nd Sem R18 Regulation, visit PE 2nd Year 2nd Sem R18 Regulation results direct link.