M.Tech, Syllabus

JNTUH M.Tech 2017-2018 (R17) Detailed Syllabus Energy From Waste

Energy From Waste Detailed Syllabus for M.Tech first year second sem is covered here. This gives the details about credits, number of hours and other details along with reference books for the course.

The detailed syllabus for Energy From Waste M.Tech 2017-2018 (R17) first year second sem is as follows.

M.Tech. I Year II Sem.

Prerequisite: Renewable Energy Sources, Physics, Environmental Studies

Course Objectives:

  • To classify solid waste sources
  • To identify methods of solid waste disposal
  • To study various energy generation methods
  • To analyse biogas production methods and recycling of e-waste

Course Outcomes: Upon the completion of the subject, the student will be able to

  • Understand technologies for generation of energy from solid waste
  • Compare methods of solid waste disposal
  • Identify sources of energy from bio-chemical conversion
  • Analyze methods for management of e-waste

UNIT- I : Solid Waste Sources Solid Waste Sources, types, composition, Properties, Global warming, Municipal Solid Waste: Physical, chemical and biological properties , Waste Collection and, Transfer stations, Waste minimization and recycling of municipal waste, Segregation of waste, Size Reduction , Managing Waste. Status of technologies for generation of Energy from Waste Treatment and Disposal Aerobic composting, incineration, Furnace type and design, Medical waste /Pharmaceutical waste treatment Technologies, incineration, Environmental impacts, Measures to mitigate environmental effects due to incineration .

UNIT – II : Land Fill method of Solid waste disposal Land fill classification, Types, methods and Sitting consideration, Layout and preliminary design of landfills: Composition, characteristics, generation, Movement and control of landfill leach ate and gases, Environmental monitoring system for land fill gases.

UNIT – III : Energy Generation from Waste Bio-chemical Conversion: Sources of energy generation, anaerobic digestion of sewage and municipal wastes, direct combustion of MSW-refuse derived solid fuel, Industrial waste, agro residues, Anaerobic Digestion.

UNIT – IV : Biogas production, Land fill gas generation and utilization, Thermo-chemical conversion: Sources of energy generation, Gasification of waste using Gasifiers, Briquetting, Utilization and advantages of briquetting, Environmental benefits of Bio-chemical and Thermo- chemical conversion.

UNIT – V : E-waste: e-waste in the global context – Growth of Electrical and Electronics Industry in India – Environmental concerns and health hazards – Recycling e-waste: a thriving economy of the unorganized sector – Global trade in hazardous waste – impact of hazardous e-waste in India. Management of e-waste: e-waste legislation, Government regulations on e-waste management – International experience – need for stringent health safeguards and environmental protection laws of India.


  1. Nicholas P. Cheremisinoff. Handbook of Solid Waste Management and Waste Minimization Technologies. An Imprint of Elsevier, New Delhi (2003).
  2. P. Aarne Vesilind, William A. Worrell and Debra R. Reinhart. Solid Waste Engineering. Thomson Asia Pte Ltd. Singapore (2002)
  3. M. Dutta , B. P. Parida, B. K. Guha and T. R. Surkrishnan. Industrial Solid Waste Management and Landfilling practice. Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi (1999).
  4. “E-waste in India: Research unit, Rajya Sabha Secretariat, New Delhi, June 2011”
  5. Amalendu Bagchi. Design, construction and Monitoring of Landfills. John Wiley and Sons. New York. (1994)
  6. M. L. Davis and D. A. Cornwell. Introduction to environmental engineering. Mc Graw Hill International Edition, Singapore (2008)
  7. C. S. Rao. Environmental Pollution Control Engineering. Wiley Eastern Ltd. New Delhi (1995)
  8. S. K. Agarwal. Industrial Environment Assessment and Strategy. APH Publishing Corporation. New Delhi (!996)
  9. Sofer, Samir S. (ed.), Zaborsky, R. (ed.), “Biomass Conversion Processes for Energy and Fuels”, New York, Plenum Press, 1981
  10. Hagerty, D.Joseph; Pavoni, Joseph L; Heer, John E., “Solid Waste Management”, New York, Van Nostrand, 1973
  11. George Tchobanoglous, Hilary Theisen and Samuel Vigil Prsl: Tchobanoglous, George Theisen, Hillary Vigil, Samuel, “Integrated Solid Waste management: Engineering Principles and Management issues”, New York, McGraw Hill, 1993.


  • C Parker and T Roberts (Ed), Energy from Waste – An Evaluation of Conversion Technologies, Elsevier Applied Science, London, 1985
  • KL Shah, Basics of Solid and Hazardous Waste Management Technology, Prentice Hall, 2000 3. M Datta, Waste Disposal in Engineered Landfills, Narosa Publishing House, 1997
  • G Rich et.al, Hazardous Waste Management Technology, Podvan Publishers, 1987
  • AD Bhide, BB Sundaresan, Solid Waste Management in Developing Countries, INSDOC, New Delhi,1983 FUEL CELL AND

Google books:

  1. e-waste Management: From waste to Resource Klaus Hieronymi, Ramzy Kahnat, Eric williams Tech. & Engg.-2013(Publisher: Earthscan 2013).
  2. What is the impact of E-waste: Tamara Thompson
  3. E-waste poses a Health Hazard: Sairudeen Pattazhy

Weblinks :

  • www.unep.org
  • www.routledge.com
  • www.amazon.com
  • www.bookdepository.com
  • www.ecoactiv.com

For all other M.Tech 1st Year 2nd Sem syllabus go to JNTUH M.Tech Energy From Waste 1st Year 2nd Sem Course Structure for (R17) Batch.

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