M.Tech, Syllabus

JNTUH M.Tech 2017-2018 (R17) Detailed Syllabus Advanced Embedded Systems Laboratory

Advanced Embedded Systems Laboratory Detailed Syllabus for Embedded Systems M.Tech first year second sem is covered here. This gives the details about credits, number of hours and other details along with reference books for the course.

The detailed syllabus for Advanced Embedded Systems Laboratory M.Tech 2017-2018 (R17) first year second sem is as follows.

M.Tech. I Year II Sem.

The following programs to understand the use of RTOS with ARM Processor on IDE Environment Arm Tool chain and Library:

  1. Create an application that creates two tasks that wait on a timer whilst the main task loops.
  2. Write an application that creates a task which is scheduled when a button is pressed, which illustrates the use of an event set between an ISR and a task.
  3. Write an application to demonstrates the Interruptible ISRs( Requires timer to have higher priority than external interrupt button
  4. Write an application to test message queues and memory blocks
  5. Write an application to test byte queues
  6. Write an application that creates two tasks of the same priority and sets the time slice period to illustrate time slicing Interfacing Programs:
  7. Write an application that creates two tasks to blinking two different LEDs at different timings.
  8. Write an application that creates two tasks displaying two different messages in LCD displays in two lines
  9. Sending messages to mailbox by one task and reading the message from mailbox by another task
  10. Sending messages to PC through serial port by three different tasks on priority basis
  11. Basic Audio processing on IDE environment
  12. Design and Simulation of Adder, Logic Gates, Decoders, Multiplexers, Flip-flops, Counters on FPGA Board.

For all other M.Tech 1st Year 2nd Sem syllabus go to JNTUH M.Tech Embedded Systems 1st Year 2nd Sem Course Structure for (R17) Batch.

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