Engineering Physics Lab Detailed Syllabus for B.Tech first year first sem is covered here. This gives the details about credits, number of hours and other details along with reference books for the course.
The detailed syllabus for Engineering Physics Lab B.Tech 2016-2017 (R16) first year fristsem is as follows.
B.Tech. I Year I Sem. L T/P/D C
Course Code: PH107BS/PH207BS 0 0/3/0 2
(Any TEN experiments compulsory)
- Dispersive power of the material of a prism – Spectrometer.
- Determination of wavelengths of white source – Diffraction grating.
- Newton’s Rings – Radius of curvature of Plano convex lens.
- Melde’s experiment – Transverse and longitudinal modes.
- Charging, discharging and time constant of an R-C circuit.
- L-C-R circuit – Resonance & Q-factor.
- Magnetic field along the axis of current carrying coil – Stewart and Gees method and to verify Biot – Savart’s law.
- Study the characteristics of LED and LASER diode.
- Bending losses of fibres & Evaluation of numerical aperture of a given fibre.
- Energy gap of a material of p-n junction.
- Torsional pendulum – Rigidity modulus.
- Wavelength of light, resolving power and dispersive power of a diffraction grating using laser.
- V-I characteristics of a solar cell.
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