Operating Systems Detailed Syllabus for B.Tech second year second sem is covered here. This gives the details about credits, number of hours and other details along with reference books for the course.
The detailed syllabus for Operating Systems B.Tech 2016-2017 (R16) second year second sem is as follows.
B.Tech. II Year II Sem. L/T/P/C
Course Code: CS402ES 4/0/0/4
Course Objectives:
- To understand the OS role in the overall computer system
- To study the operations performed by OS as a resource manager
- To understand the scheduling policies of OS
- To understand the different memory management techniques
- To understand process concurrency and synchronization
- To understand the concepts of input/output, storage and file management
- To understand the goals and principles of protection
- Introduce system call interface for file and process management
- To study different OS and compare their features.
Course Outcomes:
- Apply optimization techniques for the improvement of system performance.
- Ability to design and solve synchronization problems.
- Learn about minimization of turnaround time, waiting time and response time and also maximization of throughput by keeping CPU as busy as possible.
- Ability to change access controls to protect files.
- Ability to compare the different operating systems.
UNIT – I Overview-Introduction-Operating system objectives, User view, System view, Operating
system definition ,Computer System Organization, Computer System Architecture, OS Structure, OS Operations, Process Management, Memory Management, Storage Management, Protection and Security, Computing Environments. Operating System services, User and OS Interface, System Calls, Types of System Calls, System Programs, Operating System Design and Implementation, OS Structure.
UNIT – II Process and CPU Scheduling – Process concepts-The Process, Process State, Process Control
Block, Threads, Process Scheduling-Scheduling Queues, Schedulers, Context Switch, Operations on Processes, System calls-fork(),exec(),wait(),exit(), Interprocess communication-ordinary pipes and named pipes in Unix. Process Scheduling-Basic concepts, Scheduling Criteria, Scheduling algorithms, Multiple Processor Scheduling, Real-Time Scheduling, Thread scheduling, Linux scheduling and
Windows scheduling. Process Synchronization, Background, The Critical Section Problem, Peterson’s solution, Synchronization Hardware, Semaphores, Classic Problems of Synchronization, Monitors,
Synchronization in Linux and Windows.
UNIT – III Memory Management and Virtual Memory – Memory Management Strategies- Background, Swapping, Contiguous Memory Allocation, Segmentation, Paging, Structure of Page Table,
IA-32 Segmentation, IA-32 Paging. Virtual Memory Management-Background, Demand Paging, Copy-on-Write, Page Replacement, Page Replacement Algorithms, Allocation of Frames, Thrashing, Virtual
memory in Windows..
- Operating System Concepts , Abraham Silberschatz, Peter B. Galvin, Greg Gagne, 9th Edition, Wiley, 2016 India Edition
- Operating Systems – Internals and Design Principles, W. Stallings, 7th Edition, Pearson.
- Modern Operating Systems, Andrew S Tanenbaum, 3rd Edition, PHI
- Operating Systems: A concept-based Approach, 2nd Edition, D.M. Dhamdhere, TMH.
- Principles of Operating Systems, B. L. Stuart, Cengage learning, India Edition.
- An Introduction to Operating Systems, P.C.P. Bhatt, PHI.
- Principles of Operating systems, Naresh Chauhan, Oxford University Press.
For all other B.Tech 2nd Year 2nd Sem syllabus go to JNTUH B.Tech Computer Science and Engineering 2nd Year 2nd Sem Course Structure for (R16) Batch.
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