Fundamentals of Internet of Things detailed syllabus for Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering (EIE), R18 regulation has been taken from the JNTUHs official website and presented for the students of B.Tech Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering branch affiliated to JNTUH course structure. For Course Code, Course Titles, Theory Lectures, Tutorial, Practical/Drawing, Credits, and other information do visit full semester subjects post given below. The syllabus PDF files can also be downloaded from the universities official website.
For all the other EIE 4th Year 2nd Sem Syllabus for B.Tech R18 Regulation JNTUH scheme, visit Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering 4th Year 2nd Sem R18 Scheme.
For all the (Professional Elective-6) subjects refer to Professional Elective-6 Scheme. The detail syllabus for fundamentals of internet of things is as follows.
Course Objective:
The objectives of the course are to:
- understand the concepts of Internet of Things and able to build loT applications
- Learn the programming and use of Arduino and Raspberry Pi boards.
- Known about data handling and analytics in SDN.
Course Outcome:
For the complete syllabus, results, class timetable, and many other features kindly download the iStudy App
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Unit – I
Introduction to Internet of Things, Characteristics of IoT, Physical design of IoT, Functional blocks of IoT, Sensing, Actuation, Basics of Networking, Communication Protocols, Sensor Networks.
Unit – II
Machine-to-Machine Communications, Difference between IoT and M2M, Interoperability in IoT, Introduction to Arduino Programming, Integration of Sensors and Actuators with Arduino.
Unit – III
For the complete syllabus, results, class timetable, and many other features kindly download the iStudy App
It is a lightweight, easy to use, no images, and no pdfs platform to make students’s lives easier.
Unit – IV
Implementation of IoT with Raspberry Pi, Introduction to Software defined Network (SDN), SDN for IoT, Data Handling and Analytics.
Unit – V
Cloud Computing, Sensor-Cloud, Smart Cities and Smart Homes, Connected Vehicles, Smart Grid, Industrial IoT. Case Study: Agriculture, Healthcare, Activity Monitoring
Text Books:
For the complete syllabus, results, class timetable, and many other features kindly download the iStudy App
It is a lightweight, easy to use, no images, and no pdfs platform to make students’s lives easier.
Reference Books:
- Vijay Madisetti, Arshdeep Bahga, Internet of Things: A Hands-On Approach
- Waltenegus Dargie,Christian Poellabauer, “Fundamentals of Wireless Sensor Networks: Theory and Practice”
- Beginning Sensor networks with Arduino and Raspberry Pi – Charles Bell, Apress, 2013
For detail syllabus of all other subjects of B.Tech Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering 4th Year 2nd Sem , visit EIE 4th Year 2nd Sem syllabus subjects.
For B.Tech Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering (EIE) 4th Year results, visit JNTUH B.Tech Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering semester results direct link.